Bitte treten Sie direkt mit den SIG-Organisator:innen in Kontakt, bevor Sie einen Beitrag einreichen, fr den eine Interessengruppe besteht. I workshop/tutorial sono normalmente introduzioni intensive di mezza giornata a tecniche e software o approcci teorici, con un numero ridotto di partecipanti. Les exigences particulires pour le support technique. The theme of the 2023 conference is Collaboration as Opportunity. We particularly invite proposals that relate to the South-Eastern Europe theme, but encourage submissions from all who work in all Digital Humanities disciplines, methodologies, and pedagogies. Les propositions en lien avec le dveloppement de nouvelles mthodes informatiques ou de ressources digitales devraient indiquer comment les mthodes sont appliques la recherche et/ou lenseignement des sciences humaines et quel a t leur impact dans la formulation et lapproche des questions de recherche. In order to inform about what is going on, we need your help: Submit your news! Im Falle eines eingeschrnkten Netzwerks des/der Einreichende/n kann das Programmkomitee Hinweise auf Kontaktmglichkeiten zur breiteren Aufstellung des Panels geben. Upcoming Grant Deadlines April 12, 2023 Fellowships Division of Research Programs April 12, 2023 Is there a revolutionary potential to what we do? Como humanistas digitales, desarrollamos mtodos, herramientas y servicios para estudiar el material y las manifestaciones intelectuales de los registros humanos. Un titre et une brve description du contenu ou sujet et son importance dans la communaut des humanits numriques. Conference: Digital Humanities Against Dark Times deadline for submissions: March 5, 2023 full name / name of organization: Vanderbilt University Digital Humanities Conference is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities Las propuestas de talleres pueden tener distintas formas, incluyendo propuestas con un programa completo de oradores y presentaciones, as como propuestas para emitir una convocatoria independiente a partir de la cual elegir otras propuestas. A menos de 30 millas de la frontera con Eslovenia, la ciudad de Graz es la entrada austraca hacia los Balcanes, facilitando un vivaz intercambio cientfico, econmico y cultural con el sudeste de Europa. The Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanits numriques (CRIHN) hosts its very first student conference, organized by Yann Audin, Giulia Ferretti, Mathilde Verstraete et al., on the topic of memory in digital humanities at the Universit de Montral, April 3-4, 2023. Just type and press 'enter' ABOUT. The participants will have a chance to participate in the panel discussions on AI, and the role of humanities in the digital age, as well as in a workshop on knowledge exchange between researchers and non-academic stakeholder, such as representatives of business, culture and non-governmental organisations. Department of English, for technical questions, email [email protected], Vanderbilt University Center for the Digital Humanities, Nashville, TN, cultural studies and historical approaches, Rising political extremism and polarization, Racism, colonial exploitation, gender marginalization, backlash, Data capitalism and new forms of artificial intelligence, Military conflict and global political instability, The uncertain future of the Humanities in the academy. Keystone DH is a network of institutions and practitioners committed to advancing collaborative scholarship in digital humanities research and pedagogy across the Mid-Atlantic. Solche Verweise zhlen nicht zu der erlaubten Wortanzahl. Welcome to the 2023 Digital Conferences Guide: Your number one resource to find the best, top voted, must-attend 2023 digital conferences around the world. Le proposte devono essere presentate in inglese. In the linkedGoogle Form, please submit your name, email address, title, and type of your proposed presentation, as well as a proposal of 250-500 words. WebInternational Conference on Digital Humanities December 04-05, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan DIGITAL Conference Code: 23JPTO12ICDH014 Submit Your Paper Author Registration DHNB2023 Call for Submissions published! Elles devraient aussi inclure lvaluation critique de leur application dans les sciences humaines ainsi que des mthodes informatiques utilises. WebRegistration for Dream Lab 2023 Is Open! Submit at Date limite pour les propositions: 25 octobre 2022 4 novembre 2022 Heure Standard dHawaii (GMT-10). Authors and reviewers will know each others identity. DH2023 at the University of Graz will be the first face-to-face ADHO conference since the COVID pandemic. I panel devono riferirsi ad un unico tema ed essere concepiti come sessioni di 90 minuti con un numero di relatori da quattro a sei. Senior scholars should foreground the labor of students, librarians, and/or the community that sustained the project. Proposals should be submitted in English. Erfllt die Einreichung alle formalen Kriterien (Lnge der Zusammenfassung, Zitierstil, Formatierung etc.). Panels sollten sich auf ein einzelnes Thema konzentrieren und als 90-Minuten-Veranstaltung mit vier bis sechs Sprecher:innen durchgefhrt werden. Les consignes dapplication apparatront sur le site web de lADHO au dbut de lanne 2023 au lien suivant: Se invita especialmente el envo de propuestas de este tipo. Commenti e valutazioni delle proposte saranno condivise esclusivamente con lautore (o gli autori), i revisori e gli organizzatori.Le candidature saranno valutate in base a: LAlliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) si impegna alla creazione di un ambiente conferenziere sicuro e rispettoso, che vada a beneficio di tutti i partecipanti e per il progresso della ricerca e degli studi nei settori supportati dalle nostre organizzazioni costituenti.Si veda il testo intero del codice di condotta della conferenza ADHO.Agli autori e ai revisori verr chiesto di seguire le linee guida dellADHO. The events have no influence over CIO Dive's coverage. tartu humanities nov Collaborazione come opportunit sar il tema della conferenza e con la presente call invitiamo i colleghi a presentare proposte con particolare interesse per i temi dellEuropa sudorientale, ma verranno valutati anche contributi riguardanti le metodologie di lavoro e gli approcci pedagogici offerti dalle Digital Humanities. Les Groupes dIntrt Spcial (SIGs) de lADHO tiendront des rencontres pr-confrence qui seront values sparment par les organisateurs des SIGs. Nel caso il pannel mostri lacune in questa direzione, il comitato organizzativo si riserva il diritto di consigliare nominativi e contatti per ampliare il gruppo di esperti coinvolti. Conference Code: 25NLAM11ICSC001. Selected presentations are published as a special issue of LLC and may appear in other ADHO journals as well. Les posters peuvent prsenter un travail sur nimporte quel sujet pertinent ou offrir un outil de projet ou une dmonstration de logiciel dans nimporte quel stage de dveloppement. Sowohl das bergreifende Konferenzthema (Zusammenarbeit als Chance) als auch dieser besondere regionale Kontext sollen uns dabei helfen, neu darber nachzudenken, was es bedeutet, in realen und virtuellen Rumen zusammenzuarbeiten und was es im weiteren Sinne bedeutet, geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung vor dem Hintergrund globaler wirtschaftlicher, politischer und kologischer Krisen digital umzusetzen. A brief outline showing that the core content can be covered in a half-day (approximately 3 hours, plus breaks). Die Identitten der Autor:innen und Gutachter:innen sind dabei einander jeweils bekannt. Est-ce que la soumission est une contribution innovative aux domaines du DH? Poster presentations are intended to be interactive with the opportunity to exchange ideas among attendees. The Digital Humanities conference welcomes digital humanities scholars and practitioners from a huge range of disciplines and professional areas: faculty and students, librarians, archivists, technologists, project and center directors, and many more. Digital Humanities (DH) is ADHOs annual international conference. En caso de que los contactos del participante que enva la propuesta sean limitados, el Comit de Programa puede proporcionar asesora respecto a posibles puntos de contacto para ampliar el panel. Ist der aktuelle Forschungsstand adquat bercksichtigt (einschlielich Literaturverzeichnis). Webdigital humanities multimodal text mining DDHUM 2023 : 1st International Conference on Data & Digital Humanities 2 min read Our hyper-connected digital world is defined by an overabundance of data. ABOUT. I contributi in questa categoria sono fortemente incoraggiati. ACH and CSDH/SCHN are hosting a virtual conference. humanities Existe un potencial revolucionario en lo que hacemos?Para una breve reflexin sobre el tema, vase [reflexiones en revoluciones], Envo de propuestas: registro y envo de propuestas estarn abiertos a partir del 6 de septiembre de 2022), Fecha lmite para el envo: 25 de octubre de 2022 4 de noviembre de 2022, tiempo estndar de Hawaii (GMT-10). We will spotlight developments in Visual Hispanism re indigenous l Las propuestas para presentaciones de larga duracin deben enfocarse en proyectos de investigacin sustanciales o completados, reportar el desarrollo de nuevas metodologas o recursos digitales significativos y presentar rigurosas discusiones tericas, especulativas o crticas. DHNB conferences focus on research, education and communication in the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Kurzvortrge sind als dynamische 10-Minuten-Prsentationen von Experimenten, laufenden Forschungen oder die Beschreibung von Tools und Software im Entwicklungsstadium vorgesehen. November 2025 in Amsterdam. Filed Under: IT Strategy, Leadership View all | Post a press release Tool clutter weighs down cross-team Si latelier doit avoir son propre appel propositions, une date limite et une date de notification dacceptation ainsi quune liste dindividus qui ont accept de participer au comit scientifique de latelier. Las propuestas deben enviarse en ingls. Membership is only $25! Ist die Einreichung ein innovativer Beitrag zu Themenbereichen der Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften? Top technology conferences in 2023 Events sorted by theme, date and location Disclosure: Interop, The AI Summit, Black Hat, Data Center World and CIO Dive are owned by Informa. Les propositions datelier peuvent prendre plusieurs formes, incluant des propositions avec une liste complte de confrenciers et prsentations, ainsi que des propositions pour mettre un appel propositions indpendant duquel sera choisie une soumission. Re-Imagining Theology, Abstract/Full-Text Paper Submission: July 31, 2023. The review process will include an opportunity for authors to respond to the reviews. Web2023 The Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI) at the University of Toronto is hosting a talk by Allie Martin (Dartmouth College), tentatively entitled Black Covid Care: Building Sonic Constellations of Black Life. From the talk description: Her work is attuned to questions of race, sound and power. Siamo anche una comunit potente che si basa sulla collaborazione e la multidisciplinariet come anima del nostro lavoro. Digital techniques have enabled scholars and practitioners both in and out of the academy to explore problems and topics well beyond the reach of traditional tools and methods: collaborations bring together far-flung participants; massive data sets can be assembled and analyzed with ease; accessible tools allow community-centered organizing while new approaches to teaching enable innovative classroom structures. Einreichungen fr Vortrge sollten sich mit substanziellen oder abgeschlossenen Forschungen oder Berichten ber signifikante neue Methoden oder digitale Ressourcen beschftigen und theoretische, spekulative oder kritische Diskussionen prsentieren. Les rfrences ne sont pas prendre en compte dans le nombre de mots. Postereinreichungen knnen Arbeiten aus allen relevanten Themen oder Prsentationen von Projekttools und -software in allen Stadien der Entwicklung prsentieren. Deputy Rector Universit di Torino, Professor of Film Studies, Visiting Professor UniTo and Professor in Performance and New Media, Director, Centre for Intermedia, Exeter University, UK. LAlliances of Digital Humanities Organizations offrira un nombre limit de bourses aux spcialistes en dbut de carrire qui prsenteront la confrence. WebThe Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) promotes and supports digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines, acting as a community Thu, 04/06/2023 - 10:00. Professor in Computer Science, President of CIRMA At the same time, recent work from scholars including Catherine Knight Steele, Andre Brock and Shoshana Zuboff has created a new awareness of the perils of digital scale.
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