Feyen has worked as a first responder and in law enforcement in Larimer County for about four decades,according to his campaign website. NORTH FORTY: Can you explain why specifically protecting Constitutional rights is such a key issue for you within your campaign? It is so important that we take these processes seriously and ensure security and integrity period. EMAIL: elections@co.larimer.co.us WebVoting & Elections; Our County . Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Candidate guide for 2018 Northern Colorado elections, Laramie International Flavor Festival: Celebrating Culture through Flavor and Story April 4-8, Hearts on Early Childhood: This is What LOVE Looks Like, Virtuell vrd i Kanada: Lexicon Fundamentals frklarade, Denver Art Museum Celebrates Sneaker Culture and Wine at Luncheon by DesignandUncorked, Tickets On Sale for the 2023 Colorado Automotive Hall of Fame & Denver Auto Show Preview Gala, on Getting to Know John Feyen: Candidate for Larimer County Sheriff in 2022. Colorado is number one, we lead the nation in motor vehicle theft, and we are now also number one in bank robberies, and not necessarily in Larimer County, but the state as a whole were number one in both of those categories. "Being a county commissioner is tough, complex, and rewarding, especially when we work together for the common good, solve problems and get things done," Kefalas said. If you would like to learn more about his campaign, please visit fisher4larimersheriff.com/. Jeff Fisher, Fort Collins likely to adjust plastic bag ban to align with new Colorado law, Mistrial expected in Randy Bishop murder case over suspended jury trials, scheduling conflicts, Fort Collins weather forecast doubles snow totals as latest storm approaches, Trump pleads not guilty to 34 charges; admonished by judge, Suspected car thief arrested after getting stuck in field while eluding Fountain police. The Coloradoan editorial board unanimously supports her re-election and encourages voters to do the same. Larimer County 2022 election: Who'srunning so far? Services can be arranged with at least seven business days notice. We'll get to the final one later. Mar 2023 31. Here are the candidates. He didn't run from the challenge, he faced it head on in a thoughtful manner and turned the corrupt department into one the community can now trust. Feyens platform includes protecting the rights of Larimer County residents, serving the community, finding long-term solutions to problems and leading with integrity, according to his campaign website. Hannah Ruppert, who attended the event Monday, said she liked what Fisher said about his values. Twenty-five people weighed in at Coloradoan.com: 21 of them endorsed a single candidate, while three said they endorsed neither candidate. JOHN FEYEN: If people have questions, the truth fears no questions and I know that sounds kind of glib but its true; Im not a politician and I dont mean to denigrate the profession of politics because thats an important role, but if you have a question and youre willing to constructively engage in hard conversations, lets do that. Law enforcement is not something that a sheriff does to a community; law enforcement is something they do with the community. larimer berthoud blotter assaulted lcso juveniles I think there are proactive things we need to do, and so I will engage with our forest service and engage with our natural resources to see how we can better manage our mountainous areas because its not a matter of if its a matter of when.. To that end, they set forth in our Constitution the rights held most sacred to them. Feyen had21,139 votes, and his opponent, Jeff Fisher, deputy chief at the Louisville Police Department, had15,884. County offices: Commissioner for District 1: Justin Smith Clerk and Recorder: Angela Myers (incumbent) Treasurer: Irene Josey JEFF FISHER: I feel I certainly have the most law enforcement experience, Ive held just about every role there is within law enforcement; most of the roles Ive held are predicated on leadership and Ive been successful in those roles because I am a leader and thats exactly what Im going to do for the Larimer Sheriffs Office and the people of Larimer County[]Ive had to fight, claw, and scratch to obtain every position Ive ever gotten, Im very proud of that; Ive earned my way to where I am and that requires resiliency, that requires talent, and it requires experience. All rights reserved. ", "He has served as president of Windsor Charter Academy School board for many years. Contact her atRebeccaPowell@coloradoan.com. Fort Collins Police Services Assistant Chief John Feyen has a stronglead in the Republican primary race that will determine who becomes Larimer County's next sheriff. Candidates have Also, the show more button below will come in handy when you have more than ten results. We all play a role in community safety, but I will be accountable for it.. and inclusion throughout Larimer County which benefits our community and enables us to serve everyone throughout the county. Fisher said his nearly three decades in law enforcement across three Colorado counties Larimer, Weld and Boulder have given him the education, knowledge, skills and experience to lead the sheriffs office and help make the community as safe as possible. Jance Wesly Varela . John brings extensive public safety experience, from natural disaster management to major case investigations and community development. If you need to register to vote, change your voting address or party registration, visitlarimer.org/clerk/elections. JEFF FISHER: Larimer County is my home; Im a third-generation Colorado native, I grew up in Greeley and lived in Larimer County for the last twenty-six years. Former Loveland Police Department Sgt. For instance, he led evacuations in Rist Canyon, Poudre Canyon, and Redstone Canyon during the 2012 High Park Fire and served as Law Command on numerous occasions, as well. According to a county term limit sheet, sheriffs are limited to three consecutive four-year terms. Current Sheriff Justin Smith is term-limited and is running for Larimer County Commissioner for District 1 against incumbent Democrat John Kefalas. WebLarimer Commissioner District 1 Justin Smith 208-549-9514 SmithForABetterLarimer@gmail.com SmithForABetterLarimer.com Larimer Clerk and Recorder Angela Myers 970-227-0348 myersclerk@gmail.com ElectAngelaMyers.com Larimer Treasurer Irene Josey 970-222-4701 voteirenejosey@gmail.com IreneJosey.com Its all about the fresh ingredients in their spring salads, like Buying or selling a home is the largest financial investment most people ever make. Candidates have announced campaigns for commissioner, clerk and recorder, sheriff and treasurer, according to the Colorado Secretary of State online records. Election results will remain unofficial until all election processes conclude and no later than November 30, 2022 (in accordance with statute). A hodgepodge of local ordinances and regulations is confusing to responsible gun owners and unlikely to produce the desired result, as those who want to purchase firearms legally can simply buy them out of town. Candidates have announced campaigns for commissioner, clerk and recorder, sheriff and treasurer, according to the Colorado Secretary of State online records. "Only role should be oversight to assure Fort Collins Police Services is appropriately enforcing Colorado laws already on the books such as red flag law,"John W. and Judi T. wrote. What is Fort Collins City Council's role in the national gun control debate? Northern Colorado News Radio Update: June 7, 2022, Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Candidate guide for 2018 Northern Colorado elections, Laramie International Flavor Festival: Celebrating Culture through Flavor and Story April 4-8, Hearts on Early Childhood: This is What LOVE Looks Like, Virtuell vrd i Kanada: Lexicon Fundamentals frklarade, Denver Art Museum Celebrates Sneaker Culture and Wine at Luncheon by DesignandUncorked, Tickets On Sale for the 2023 Colorado Automotive Hall of Fame & Denver Auto Show Preview Gala, on An Introduction to Jeff Fisher: Candidate for Larimer County Sheriff. The second issue is that in Larimer County were not strangers to disasters. Dawn D.'s comments are representative ofmany of theviews offered. Sheriff:Jeff Fisher (R) and John Feyen (R). Larimer County is an Equal Categories appear once the search form is submitted. All major-party candidates had until March 15 to enter the race by petition or March 19 to be nominated by assembly. If you need to register to vote, change your voting address or party registration, visitlarimer.org/clerk/elections. "Over the last two decades, I've had the privilege to know and work alongside John Feyen. John believes these rights were held in such high regard for a reason and will protect them as your Sheriff. According to hiscampaign website, Fisher worked for the Loveland police from 1997 to 2014. Repeatedly ticketing for the same issue is an ineffective solution and a poor use of taxpayer funding. COLORADO DOCUMENTARY PROJECT Speak out! by. "I'm overwhelmingly grateful for people who put their time and effort into me and for the voters who trusted and put their faith in me," Feyen said. Fisher did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday night. Jeff sat down with North Forty recently to talk a little bit about his experience within Larimer County and why he feels he deserves your vote for sheriff. It's a kind and simple gesture that will help us continue to bring more content to you. Seven county offices are up for election this year: commissioner for District 1, sheriff, clerk and recorder, treasurer, assessor, coroner and surveyor. Final Official Results as of 11/22/2022, Time: 10:24AM MST Notes from the Clerk: Final Official Results This concludes the 2022 General Election in Larimer Twenty-five people weighed in at Coloradoan.com. ". Second Posting of Unofficial Results. Seventh posting of Unofficial Results. Minor party candidates had until April 4 and I also believe that everything not going well in a police agency is suffering because of relationships. "He's not a politician making grandiose political promises or spouting oversimplified rhetoric. In any endorsement, there are some words that get used a lot,and this time was no exception. The Coloradoan can't do the important work of keeping our community informed without you. John has a bachelors degree in Organizational Leadership and Development from CSU Global and is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command and Police Executive Research Forums Senior Management Institute for Policing. Fisher walked out to the lectern on the stage in the lagoon to cheers from those gathered for him. If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. NORTH FORTY: Anything else you might like to add? First Posting of Unofficial Results. ", JIM ALDERDEN, FORMER LARIMER COUNTY SHERIFF. Feyen told the Coloradoan he was "cautiously optimistic" after thefirst round of results and "even more optimistic" after the second round because the results are "heading in the right direction.". Colorado's primary election will be held June 28, with ballots being mailed out the week of June 6. Elected Officials & County Leadership; Departments & Offices; please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. More than 20,000 ballots have been received today (Election Day). PO Box 1547, Fort Collins CO 80522, HOURS:8:00am- 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (except holidays) Fort Collins, CO 80521 Nov. 8 is election day, and voters can expect to have their ballots mailed out the week of Oct. 17, according to the county. 2022 will mark the end of Smiths tenure. "He doesnt speak in rhetoric or party talking points. Sady Swanson covers public safety, criminal justice, Larimer County governmentand more throughout Northern Colorado. rownd a rownd. Note: These are candidates who have registered with the Colorado Secretary of State office as of Jan. 31. 2023 www.coloradoan.com. NORTH FORTY: In your opinion, what are the major issues Larimer County currently faces and how would you intend to address them? "He is a true diplomat who listens and understands all sides of an issue." With a little over 37,000 votes counted in the election for county sheriff as of 11:41p.m. Tuesday evening,Feyen has a lead ofabout 5,200votes. Homelessness, mental health, and addiction are examples where we need to look at upstream problem solving as this is a community problem and not just a law enforcement problem. Larimer County 2022 election: Whosrunning? In 2000, John joined the Larimer County Sheriffs Office (LCSO), where his first two years were spent serving in the Estes Valley as a patrol deputy. Reach him at afleskes@prairiemountainmedia.com or on Twitter @Austinfleskes07. JEFF FISHER: Ive considered running for sheriff for a long time, the fact of the matter is weve had great sheriffs in Larimer County; Jim Alderman was a great sheriff, Justin Smith has been a great sheriff, and one of the two of them has been in office for the last 24 years. That includes being actively involved in the community because I think thats the best way to give back. John welcomes input and will support an ethical environment that can withstand the test of public scrutiny. Note: If you have an emergency, please call 911. by. Our many thanks to Jeff Fisher for making the time for us. WebThe Larimer County Sheriffs Office seeks the best recruits, to serve the best community. He has dedicated his entire adult life to serving others in their moment of need through his various roles in emergency services. "I feel great," Fisher said at that time. Minor party candidates have until April 4 and unaffiliated candidates have until July 14, Myers said. Though no candidate has filed to run for assessor, coroner or surveyor, major party candidates have until March 15 to enter the race by petition or March 19 to be nominated by assembly, Larimer County Clerk and Recorder Angela Myers said. Baker did not respond to a request for comment. Baker entered the race for clerk and recorder to restore faith in elections and support for those who conduct them, according to her campaign website. Feyen has locked down endorsements from both sitting Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith, Kate K. Tim K. dug deeper into relationships: "I strongly believe that everything going well in any police agencygoes well because of relationships. Above from left: Dell Bean, Jay Harrison and Justin Smith are running for the term-limited sheriff's job. In 1987, John started his service as a paramedic in the Kansas City, MO metropolitan area. in 1987 where he soon met his wife while serving as a paramedic. Sheriff:Jeff Fisher (R) and John Feyen (R). The next update of Unofficial Results will be posted when counting concludes. Moving forward, Kefalas said "there are key issues that require deeper attention and implementation," including air quality, climate change mitigation, economic development and water and agriculture issues. In her 10 years in office, Myers said she has remained dedicated to handling her work as clerk and recorder in a nonpartisan way, and this commitment has never been more important than it is now., Looking to the future, election integrity is at the forefront as it really always should be, Myers said in a statement to the Coloradoan. To fill his seat, Smith has endorsed Fort Collins Police Services Assistant Chief John Feyen in the race for Larimer County sheriff. WebThe Larimer County Sheriff's Office is seeking skilled problem-solvers to join our team. Clerk and Recorder: Angela Myers (R) and Toni Baker (D), Commissioner District 1: John Kefalas (D) and Justin Smith (R). ", "Looking to the future, election integrity is at the forefront as it really always should be," Myers said in a statement to the Coloradoan. Feyen has worked as a first responder and in law enforcement in Larimer County for about four decades,according to his campaign website. More than one person mentioned a spirit of open-mindedness. Scroll. Processing of ballots will now conclude for the day and resume tomorrow, November 11, 2022. Getting to Know John Feyen: Candidate for Larimer County Sheriff in 2022 May 30, 2022 Jonson Kuhn News Comments Off 2022 Larimer County Sheriff In our second question last week, we asked:What is Fort Collins City Council's role in the national gun control debate? With Colorado's primary election coming up Tuesday, June 28, we asked our Coloradoan Conversations community to weigh in on Larimer County'sonly contested race, and it's one that will determine the final outcome: Larimer County sheriff. It is anticipated that the next update of Unofficial Results will be posted at approximately 9:30p. As of late Tuesday, 70,360 ballots hadbeen counted. Processing of ballots will now conclude for the day and resume tomorrow, November 10, 2022. This is Jeff Fisher, he was born and raised in Greeley, Colorado, and is a 3rd generation Colorado native. Last week North Forty News ran an article about John Feyen running for Larimer County Sheriff. It is anticipated that the next update of Unofficial Results will be posted at approximately 2p on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Elected Officials & County Leadership; Departments & Offices; About Larimer County; Boards and Commissions; Codes, Policies, Ordinances On the first day of the 2013 flood, John again led evacuations and later was on the first helicopter into Pinewood Springs to provide support to the community. Fisher, ", Addressing the fact that there is no Democrat running for office, Don M. pointed out that Democrats will not have an opportunity to weigh in on the choice between two final candidates. "It is so important that we take these processes seriously and ensure security and integrity period. During that time, he served in several roles including patrol officer, GangStop officer, field training officer, detective, tactical investigations specialist, assistant SWAT team leader, patrol sergeant, field training sergeant and personnel and training sergeant. John then moved to investigations as a Crimes Against Persons investigator where he discovered a deep passion for helping child victims. JOHN FEYEN: This is something Sheriff Smith and I have talked about for years and Im very blessed that he has given me his endorsement along with former Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderens as well; people I think get into this idea of running for a couple of reasons, one is that they may think the current person is doing it wrong and they want to fix it, so theres a new trajectory theyre taking. Law enforcement is just that … they cannot pick and choose which laws to enforce based on personal opinion. Fisher said his nearly three decades in law enforcement across three Colorado counties Larimer, Weld and Boulder have given him the education, knowledge, skills and experience to lead the sheriff's office and help make the community as safe as possible. Ladies and gentlemen, I refuse to do nothing. John believes that the foundation of serving as a peace officer includes doing the right thing in all situations and earning the trust and confidence of the public. John once again led evacuations during the 2013 flood and later was on the first helicopter into Pinewood Springs to provide community support. Text the keyword JoinLCSOto833-581-0014! In this case, the twocandidates should both be on the final ballot.". Assessor:No candidates registered; Current assessor Bob Overbeck (D) is not term limited. Jenn D said: "I'm deeply troubled by both candidates' views on public school safety. Ballots will be mailed the week of October 16, 2023. Or two, theres a tradition of excellence and service, yeah things could be changed, Im certainly not going to be Justin Jr. but Im certainly more the latter than I am the former[]I love the agency and Ive worked in every corner of this community from Estes to Berthoud to Wellington and every place in between. Considering a real estate move in Southeast Denver? North Forty has reached out to the other candidate running for Larimer County Sheriff, Jeff Fisher, and we hope to bring you that interview in an upcoming edition. Experience and strength of character directly affect the ability to do so, and there is no higher calling for me as Clerk.". Minor party candidates had until April 4 and unaffiliated candidates have until July 14. Im about building relationships with the community and building relationships with other law enforcement agencies, including our Federal partners, the FBI, ATF, and all of those other agencies because they have different abilities than we do, but Im not going to let them trample on peoples Constitutional rights. He also led a FEMA Rescue Team into Waltonia Canyon to assist in rescue efforts for those stranded by the flood. If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. Enjoy the taste of spring at Your Butcher Frank. 2023 www.coloradoan.com. Sandra Lull, who said she met Fisher and his wife last year, said she believes in him and sees him as a great candidate for sheriff. Clerk and Recorder: Angela Myers (R) and Toni Baker (D), Commissioner District 1: John Kefalas (D) and Justin Smith (R). Before coming to Loveland, he graduated from Colorado State University in May 2020 with two bachelor's degrees, one in journalism and media communications and one in history. Final Official Results This concludes the 2022 General Election in Larimer County. Below are some people I am proud to have an endorsement. It's my privilege to endorse John Feyen to be your next Larimer County Sheriff and to take the Larimer County Sheriff's Office to the next level. Coroner:No candidates registered; Current coroner James Wilkerson (R) is not term limited. As a commissioner for the last three years, Kefalas said the board has made meaningful differences in people's lived by addressing several important issues, fromhousing, child care and broadband to criminal justice, safety and infrastructure. Jail - Captain Tim Palmer. John Feyen is running as a Republican for Larimer County Sheriff. Former Loveland Police Department Sgt. NORTH FORTY: What type of experiences have you gained through your various positions in law enforcement that make you feel that youre the best candidate for this job? While so many forces are trying to push a wedge between law enforcement and the communities we serve, there has never been a more critical time for the chief executive of the premier law enforcement agency in our community to be beyond reproach.". It is anticipated that the next update of Unofficial Results will be posted at approximately 11:30p. Candidates will get three attempts to run the course on the testing date. Colorado Portal and News | Denverok.com, Colorado Portal | News | Classifieds | Cars. It can be great to think of a new beginning. NORTH FORTY: Can you talk about experiences gained and/or lessons learned from your time spent with the Larimer County Sheriffs office that you feel make you the ideal candidate for this position? John is committed to our community and public service. Joe W. says: "Gun control is best handled at the state and federal levels. Smith was first elected in 2010 and was reelected twice, once in 2014 and again in 2018. Also, the show more button below will come in handy when you have more than ten results. WebKenya Plastics Pact > News & Media > Uncategorized > larimer county sheriff candidates 2022. larimer county sheriff candidates 2022. Seven county offices are up for election this year: commissioner for District 1, sheriff, clerk and recorder, treasurer, assessor, coroner and surveyor. Note: If you have an emergency, please call 911. NORTH FORTY: Youre currently sitting on a vast number of committees and boards, clearly community involvement is a priority for you, so can you talk a little bit about what it is regarding community that you personally value? This improvement would include focuses such as conducting an audit to identify where the office can do more with less, implementing and maintaining the most contemporary law enforcement policies, procedures and training with an emphasis on deescalation and crisis intervention, increasing the number of women and people of color in supervisory roles and more. He will use this background to serve our Larimer County community. JEFF FISHER: I was honored to win at county assembly with 52% of the delegate votes and Im working hard to get my message of safety, service, leadership and freedom out to the public, so Im going to be pushing hard here in the last month before the primary. "I want to be your sheriff because I believe the citizens of Larimer County and the men and women who serve nobly at the sheriff's office deserve a leader who can lead with transparency and integrity, who has shown a commitment to the community, who has the relationships with other leaders in our community to begin conversations with our citizens to solve problems," Feyen said in a campaign video. This question was prompted by local residents and groups pressing Fort Collins City Council to take action and council considering a potential gun buyback program in response. He has a lot of experience; he is a great family man and a great husband, she said. NORTH FORTY: With all of the positions youve held over the years, why now is running for Larimer County Sheriff so important? WebThe Larimer County Sheriff's Office is seeking skilled problem-solvers to join our team. Sady Swanson covers public safety, criminal justice, Larimer County governmentand more throughout Northern Colorado. If you need accommodations please contact Human Resources Recruiting at (970) 498-5984 or for interviewing accommodations, please contact our Inclusion Administrator Nicole Berg at (970) 498-5973. You can send your story ideas to her at sswanson@coloradoan.com or on Twitter at @sadyswan. Public scrutiny 've had the privilege to know and work alongside John Feyen ( R ) and Feyen. Issues Larimer County sheriff report a crime or ask a police related question, please the. Been received today ( election day ) rhetoric or party talking points on. More about his values Fisher for making the time for us the Louisville Department... Opinion, what are the major issues Larimer County larimer county sheriff candidates 's Office is skilled! This time was no exception our community informed without you editorial board unanimously supports her re-election and encourages to! At approximately 2p on Thursday, November 11, 2022 community and public service an solution. 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