Transfer credit will be awarded grades of P and will not be used in computing the Liberty GPA. No grade of D may be applied to the certificate (includes grades of D+/D-). may not be audited. This procedure is used to determine if students are progressing toward the completion of their courses. It also enables students to immediately view how their credits will apply towards a different program. All post-Master's and Doctoral programs will allow the repeat policy to be applied for a maximum of three hours or one course of repeated course work. University Ombudsman. In other words, your out-of-pocket expenses may increase. Official transcripts are not released directly to the student. Students who are unable to complete coursework by the last day of class due to unavoidable circumstances such as personal illness/injury or family emergencies may appeal to their instructor for a temporary course grade of I (Incomplete). The Registrars Office will process the conferral of a degree once all degree requirements have been met, including the minimum GPA requirement and Degree Completion Application. The Associate Dean will have 7 days to review the appeal from the time of submission. Students who wish to complete a bachelors degree with a double major (BEd/BEd, BS/BS or BSN/BSN) or a dual degree (any two-degree combination of BEd, BFA, BS or BSN) must have at least 30 unique hours within the major of the first or second degree. If the student is unable to complete an assignment on time, he/she must contact the instructor immediately by email. Credit earned through this process is considered transfer credit will not be counted toward the required minimum number of credit hours that must be completed through Liberty University. In order to formally request the withdrawal, the student must request the withdrawal through their Liberty University e-mail address to the Advising office, or the student can go through the withdrawal process while meeting with an Advisor. Assistant Registrar for Academic Operations, Ben Bailey, B.S., M.A.T.S. Jason Byrd, B.S., M.B.A. According to military policy for Tuition Assistance, the University must post grades within 30-days of the end date of the course. Lynchburg, VA 24515. A semester hour of credit consists of the equivalent of one 50-minute period of class work for 15 weeks, with an assumption of two hours of outside preparation or two 50-minute periods of laboratory work for each semester hour. Group projects, including group discussion board threads and/or replies, and assignments will not be accepted after the due date outside of special circumstances (e.g., death in the family, significant personal health issues) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the instructor. Students who want to request overload must secure permission from the Registrars Office and may seek this approval by submitting a request Appeals are accepted only when the grade assigned conflicts with: Appeals, other than those mentioned above, will not be reviewed. Assistant Registrar for Transfer Operations, Jason Suitt, B.S., M.Div. Assistant Registrar for Undergraduate Degree Conferral, Carrie Hodges, B.S., M.A. Students who break enrollment must apply for readmission and will be subject to the requirements of the Catalog and certificate requirements in effect at the time of their readmission. The undergraduate certificate requires a minimum of 18 semester hours. Degrees are granted throughout the academic school year. Liberty University Online serves to guide students in their course selection as well as help answer questions regarding academic issues or school-related problems. The academic year begins with the start of the fall semester and ends with the conclusion of the summer term. A maximum of 50% of the program hours may be transferred if approved and allowable, including credit from an earned degree from Liberty University on the same academic level. You'll usually need to receive a letter grade between A and D to pass a class, often the numerical equivalent of 65 percent or higher. March 20, 2020 Petition to Liberty University Why this petition matters Started by Abby Figueroa Liberty University administration must offer a Pass/Fail option to our current courses, without discounting their fulfillment of credit (major requirements, core requirements, etc. All grades will be recorded in the Registrars Office as reported by the instructors in charge of the various courses. Students who were Academically Dismissed because of academic dishonesty are not eligible for Academic Amnesty. Liberty University 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog. The Code of Honor, an expression of the values from which our Doctrinal Statement was born, defines the fundamental principles by which our community exists. Students may request an official signed degree plan by emailing [email protected]. Graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral students must have a Liberty University cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above to be eligible for overload up to 18 hours and above a 3.5 to be eligible for overload up to 21 hours. Whenever possible, students are required to be proactive by turning in pre-assigned coursework before their military-related absence begins. However, grades of I will count as hours attempted and not completed, and will negatively affect a students Satisfactory Academic Progress. All residential students who have verified their status as a current military service member or veteran will be assigned a unique PIN number before registration opens each semester. These transcripts must be received before an admission decision will be made. For students pursuing Executive certificates or Post-Graduate certificates, no grade below B- may be applied to the certificate. Students already enrolled at the Graduate level and pursuing either a Graduate degree or a Graduate Certificate. Supporting bold initiatives. The student must submit a Degree Completion Application to the Registrars Office at the beginning of his/her final semester. Grades of A, B, and C (including +/- grades) will not be revised and will continue to be included in the calculation of the students cumulative GPA. All grades will be recorded in the Registrars Office as reported by the instructors in charge of the various courses. This includes directed electives. The student must provide written documentation that demonstrates the occurrence of one or more of the above grounds for appeal. Requests to change to or from audit status after the registration deadline will be denied. Please see the FERPA section and policies for more information. Residential students desiring to take a Liberty University Online course must enroll in the course during the registration period. However, while the decision to grant an extended incomplete remains with the instructor, the request and medical documentation needs to be submitted to the Registrars Office. The academic year begins with the start of the fall semester and ends with the conclusion of the summer term. For a list of acceptable Excelsior College Exams, visit orASCS105Accountability for Academic Success (1 c.h.) Group projects, including group discussion board threads and/or replies, and assignments will not be accepted after the due date outside of special circumstances (e.g., death in the family, significant personal health issues) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the instructor. The cumulative GPA comprises all Liberty University coursework completed at the Graduate academic level, regardless of prior degree conferral or certificate completion, broken enrollment, or a program/major change. All Master's-level programs will allow the repeat policy to be applied for a maximum of nine hours or three courses of repeated course work, with the exception of Master of Divinity programs, which will allow the repeat policy to be applied for a maximum of fifteen hours or five courses of repeated course work. If the student wishes to appeal further he/she must follow the process outlined below: Criteria for appeal: Only final posted grades may be appealed beyond the instructor. will be evaluated for transfer of credit. Military service members are eligible for a military incomplete, for coursework that they are unable to complete on time, due to deployments, extended cruises, unit operational tempo, or other duty-related extenuating circumstances. Remember: Any change in status (e.g., from full-time to part-time, etc.) A student wishing to change from credit to audit status for a course may only do so until the last day of the registration deadline. The Graduate Programs utilize three distinct scales: 80, 70 and 60 point scales to differentiate between letter grades. Requests to add or remove a minor will be processed by the Registrars Office upon receipt, and will be effective the following full term of enrollment. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Liberty University. If all three parties approve, the request will be sent to the Registrars office to create the approved course and proceed with registration - provided there are no holds or errors that prevent it. A passing grade grants students credit for an academic course. Faculty teaching residential courses should have grades submitted to the Registrar one week after the end of each semester. The bachelors degree requires a minimum of 120 semester hours. Any University organization that has students who represent Liberty University in activities that involve student traveling (exclusive of one-time missions exposure trips) must first provide a list of students on the team to the Registrar to verify if the students are in good academic standing. The following general guidelines for graduation apply to each candidate for a graduate degree. The letter I will follow the higher grade to indicate that the grade has been included in the students GPA. Students can request a military withdrawal only up to the original end date of the course. This fee will be deducted from any refund due on the students account or he/she will be responsible for payment of this fee. A Certificate Completion Application must be filled out at the beginning of the final semester before the certificate can be awarded. When Academic Amnesty is approved, all grades of "D" and "F" are replaced with a "Q" on the Liberty University transcripts. These transcripts must be received before an admission decision will be made. Students should further be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the State certification body. Assistant Registrar for Transfer Evaluations, Travis Hoegh All work is graded by letters which are assigned quality points as indicated below: A students cumulative GPA comprises all Liberty University coursework completed at the current academic level (Undergraduate, Graduate or Doctoral) regardless of prior degree conferral, broken enrollment or a program/major change. All professors have the right to approve or deny FN appeals at their own discretion. Non-Liberty University undergraduate students must send in their Graduate admission application, official transcripts, and a letter from their current Registrars Office indicating their current Grade Point Average, the specific degree they are pursuing, the estimated date of graduation, and the number of remaining credit hours for degree completion. This undergraduate grading scales are used by Liberty University. Adherence to the principles and concepts established within facilitates the success of our students and strengthens the Liberty community. In the event of a short notice military obligation (e.g. The student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 unless otherwise stated. Credits transferred from other institutions are awarded grades of P for Pass, and do not impact a students Liberty University GPA or academic standing. The Registrars Office, upon receiving the written request, must receive approval from Community Life, Student Financial Services, and the Office of the Provost forResidentstudents or the Office of the Online Provost forOnlinestudentsbefore readmission will be granted. Changing programs or breaking enrollment may invalidate the request. This schedule is sorted alphabetically by class. The Dean will have 7 days to review the appeal, from the time of submission. The course planning schedule is available online at: Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE) are available to students in the Rawlings School of Divinity who possess a satisfactory justification of previous knowledge in a subject area based upon a non-college training program, job, or self-learning. Students must initiate the request for an incomplete directly to the instructor by the last day of class (before the final exam period for residential classes). Note: The cumulative GPA comprises all Liberty University coursework completed at the academic level of the degree being awarded (Graduate or Doctoral) regardless of prior degree conferral, broken enrollment or a program/major change. The student will be readmitted on academic caution and will be required to take and pass GRST 501 Graduate Success Strategies in his/her first semester (unless he/she has already passed the. may not be audited. To determine the grade point average (GPA), the quality points earned are divided by GPA hours completed. Changes to the major(s) or minor(s) will not be permitted once the student is in final courses for the current semester and the Degree Completion Application is on file. Evaluations will be based solely upon the recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE) guidebook,A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Audit requests for online courses will be processed and added, pending availability. Denial of the request for an incomplete may include, but is not limited to, the students inability to earn a passing grade with completion of the remaining requirements, as well as an insufficient reason for the request. Portfolios may not be submitted for internships, practica, dissertations, thesis courses, or other courses that are identified as non-transferrable. The Certificate Completion Plan (CCP) Audit (found under Degree Completion Plan Audit via ASIST) provides real-time advice and counsel, making it possible for students to track progress towards certificate completion at their convenience. Students failing to attain and maintain the cumulative GPA required for good academic standing in their degree program will be placed on Academic Warning. In such situations, each student is responsible for obtaining and paying for the background check or other screening process and for delivering required documentation to the facility. The Dean will review the student's appeal, as well as any information provided by the instructor. The student will not be permitted to resume the pursuit of any Graduate or Doctoral degree through Liberty University. International transfer credit is accepted only from an institution recognized by the government of the country in which the institution is located. More information can be found at the following link: Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE) are available to students in the Rawlings School of Divinity who possess a satisfactory justification of previous knowledge in a subject area based upon a non-college training program, job, or self-learning. The authority for the decision to grant an incomplete completely lies with the instructor. Any additional requirements are specified in the section which describes a particular program. Undergraduate students may enroll in masters-level courses during the semester in which they have nine or fewer semester hours remaining to complete their bachelors degrees. Communities are predicated on shared values and goals. (Students who reside in the following states are excluded from this policy: California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, New York, and Washington.). However, while the decision to grant an extended incomplete remains with the instructor, the request and medical documentation needs to be submitted to the Registrars Office. Students may review potential overload charges by accessing thischartin the Academic Catalog or by contacting Student Financial Services to confirm the exact charges. This does not apply for certificate level students. The course must be completed by the last day of the sub-term unless an extension is granted. The Associate Dean will review the student's appeal, as well as any information provided by the instructor. The repeat policy may be applied for the following grades: A, B, C, D, F, FN, P, NP, or PR (including+/- grades). Through ICE, students have the opportunity to earn credit toward their chosen degree program. These principles irrevocably align Liberty Universitys operational procedures with the long tradition of university culture, which remains distinctively Christian, designed to preserve and advance truth. Changes to the certificate will not be permitted once the student is in final courses for the current semester and the Certificate Completion Application is on file. A separate portfolio for each course petitioned is required. In many graduate programs, getting a grade lower than B (or even A-) is considered a warning that you need to seriously knuckle down and start doing better. Once the course is registered, all standard registration policies will apply. Appeal process: A student wishing to appeal a final grade should first appeal to his/her instructor and seek to resolve the situation with the instructor. Only courses and degrees from institutions accredited by agencies recognized by the Department of Education will be evaluated for transfer credit (e.g., SACSCOC, TRACS, ABHE, etc.). Confidentiality of student grades falls under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The Title IV withdrawal calculation will result in the reduction and/or cancellation of all Financial Aid. Students with Federal grants and/or Federal loans will be subject to the Title IV withdrawal calculation. Students who plan to pursue a Graduate Certificate rather than a Graduate degree. Currently enrolled Liberty University undergraduate students do not need to send in an application; they must submit a request via the Dual Enrollment Request Form. Liberty University Faculty members, both residential and online, are urged to promptly complete and submit final course grades. Prior to registering for any course at another institution, students must submit a Future Course Request Form to guarantee transferability. Certificate students are required to abide by some of the same policies as Undergraduate degree seeking students. A grudging pass, or perhaps a mercy pass. or ASCS105 Accountability for Academic Success (1 c.h. In addition to Liberty Universitys general education requirements, distance education students may also be required to fulfill additional requirements set by their home states. A grade of AU will be recorded on the auditors permanent record. The Deans decision is final. Liberty University 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog. When a course is repeated, the lower grade will be followed on the student's transcript by the letter "A," which will indicate that the lower grade has been excluded from the earned hours, but is still included in the GPA hours, quality points, and the computation of the cumulative GPA. The Code of Honor, an expression of the values from which our Doctrinal Statement was born, defines the fundamental principles by which our community exists. Those policies that do not pertain to the certificate seeking student will be noted in the following sections. Let's take a closer look at the college grading system and what . Those who wish to declare a minor, however, are encouraged to meet with their professional advisor to review the requirements for that minor. All professors have the right to approve or deny FN appeals at their own discretion. For information concerning how dual enrollment impacts tuition rates and financial aid eligibility, visit the following links: Dual enrollment is not available to the following students: Students pursuing a certificate must complete the certificate requirements within three (3) years of the date of matriculation. For enrollment verification purposes, the University policy can be viewed at Any student who does not complete coursework within the permissible time limit for any reason, including discontinued enrollment, must reapply for readmission and will be subject to the requirements of the Catalog and Certificate Completion Plan (CCP) in effect at the time of his/her readmission. The evaluation of international transfer credit requires students to submit a translated official transcript. Residentstudents failing to attain and maintain the minimum GPA required are placed on Academic Warning. The lower grade will also remain on the student's transcript as attempted hours. See the University calendar for sub-term dates. Changes are discouraged after a student and advisor have arranged the students schedule for the semester. Certificate-seeking students must have all of the following requirements successfully completed before being considered candidates for the awarding of a certificate. By email already enrolled at the beginning of his/her final semester, from the Office. Cancellation of all Financial Aid: // each semester before their military-related begins. Further be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the State certification body the beginning the. Registrar for Academic Operations, Ben Bailey, B.S., M.Div exact charges for enrollment verification purposes, the policy! General guidelines for graduation apply to each candidate for a Graduate degree all have... Certificate ( includes grades of P and will negatively affect a students Academic. ), the quality points earned are divided by GPA hours completed is. 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