Thank goodness for DVDs of past episodes. There is a market here to be tapped. Surely, the way forward would have been to dig deeper into the technical aspects of the archaeology and to speak to the intelligent audience that made the program in the first place whether the sites themselves or the techniques being employed. It all got too big, too ambitious. I and my husband have learned so much over the years (and are still learning): not only about archeaology itself, but about interpreting architecture, landscapes and social history, to name but three. The programmes were sometimes slight and of course a three day dig is only a sketch rather than a full canvass, but Time Team enriched my life. The ABC in Australia invariably saw fit to show very, very few episodes of Time Team, although numerous repeats were televised, and like a good book, they were enjoyed by a public that is hungry for family value in TV productions. Thank you. Some episodes Ive seen over three times each. Wouldnt it be lovely if all teams could be like the Time Team? Hated that they axed Mick Aston and brought in other new people!!! We will miss Tony, Mick and Phil and the team. Such mass-production was only possible with more rigorous processes guiding filming. I watched every show, every season, and I never noticed that Tony had an obsession with Romans. Deceased (19462013) Its all happening ere Tony. Well Done Time Team, sad to hear you are soon to be no more. I enjoyed all the archaeologists and presenter Tony Robinson. Hopefully some other channel will take up the format eventually. But for me the real genius is Stewart who can look at a landscape and tell you what it was like hundreds of years ago. I will miss TT more than any other show I have ever watched and Im extremely disappointed that C4 have decided to axe a show that brought History into the hearts of so many people. Last month retired doctor Philip Harding and retired matron Margie Mickan tied the knot after a whirlwind romance. Most of these posts hope that the Beeb could resurrect TT somehow, but AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU TO THE CAST AND CREW FOR THE FABULOUS YEARS THEY HAVE GIVEN US. there was total outrage and ABC picked it up with the two oldies . The programs were never the same when Mick wasnt on. When you are pitching a potential site to others, Tim says, it really helps to focus your argument and ensure that it stands up to scrutiny. This article is 10 years old but like a spoiler. By the way, if the executives mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? Apparently, there was plenty of dirt being dug off camera, thanks largely to the people up top. Yet despite bringing the past to life using the familiar ingredients of So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Because the major players were all quite old, and as you will have heard age is the surest antidote to youthful energy. In 1991 Harding took part in the series Time Signs, which was produced by Tim Taylor, who went on to create Channel 4 s Yes as convicts and bloody proud of it. Poor. Alan Gale is 100% correct. Emmerdale fans believe they have sussed out who is following and watching Leyla Harding (Image: ITV). Ive loved all of them (apart from the guy who placed the stones/coins/sword on his land deliberately) but that wasnt Time Teams fault and they did prove they couldnt be taken in. Phil Harding is Time Teams resident trench-excavator. Whilst not filming Phil still works as a field archaeologist with Wessex Archaeology, and has been involved in a project listing all known Palaeolithic sites in Britain. What happened to the Time Team crew? My children are 13 and 12, and we all like to sit down as a family and watch this programme together and learn something. May be he could be a Lord? I liked the pictures Victor did on several shows which showed the principals in historical costumes. My son in his early 20s always likes to watch it. Surely this cant really be the end?? A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. Incidentally, to my British friends & fellow TT fans I have to say that I agree with the comments in this thread that the American shows that BBC chooses to air in the UK are garbage, but what a shame the excellent documentaries and history-related productions are not offered in your part of the world. Born in Oxford on 25 January 1950 and brought up in Wexcombe, Wiltshire, Phil Harding was educated at Marlborough Royal Free Grammar School in Marlborough. Most days, I have been watching the TT repeats on More Four in the afternoons. This comment by Peter Thomas is an excellent precis of all that has been said. Much has been said about this show on this site but I think that all of you would be best served by reading what Raksha had to say. Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if channel programmers read these blogs? What proved to be the fateful conversation took place in a Little Chef on the Okehampton bypass. Loved the history of U.K. He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. Tony admitted a number of times that he is not an archeologist. C4 has descended to abysmal levels. I loved Mick and Phil and Stuart et all, picking on Matt for any rotton job. Without Time Team I would not have known how much I could enjoy archaeology and Im pretty sure its why my 7 year old wants to be an archaeologist when she grows up. sundays seem empty without my time team fix. I had drawn him into the subject a few years after we married but I had the privilege of degree training. It led to an appreciation of just how much information could be quickly gleaned from comparatively modest trenching. I suppose I will have to go back to Dads Army for a bit of sanity then, Robyn Australia Phil Harding, the colorful field archeologist with the big hat on the once very popular British Time Team program is featured in this post from February 2016.. Dr. Harding was getting his DNA tested. He made his first archaeological finds digging up his parents' garden, much to the annoyance of his mother Elsie.
As an aside seeing your label Non-Richardian Yorkist what are your feelings about the parking lot discovery? Archaeologist and broadcaster Mick Aston, who found fame with TV programme Time Team, has died aged 66. I have no idea which series I am watching, I think it must be a mixture as Tonys beer belly ebbs and falls and Phils hair waxes and wains, though Mick never seems to have changed. I have watched every episode from season 1, some many times. I just love the way English history came alive & feel like the team must have lots of fun doing this job.I was hopeing to find them on a dig when I come over to visit .Lets hope the powers that be decide to bring it back or make a new show similar to it. Not a Tony Robinson fan myself but he is part of the show. From the past to the present, the way in which the media and social media works today will enable Time Team to provide much greater understanding of the whole process of a dig, and fans are already engaging directly in the development of the new programmes. We have it so easy in this day and age to compare to others in the past and we so loved it when Tony came to Australia and did some shows about our ancestral heritage,we all walk past so much and never notice whats in front of us,we miss so much rich knowledge right under our feet. Sad days. It was supposed to be about archaeology.
Agree 100%, they should have left it well alone. As a young boy, Harding became fascinated with the Stone Age. It also produces some amazing factual programmes to expand our knowledge and it is extremely worrying that the latter are being sacrificed for moronic programmes like Big Fat Gypsy Wedding which add nothing to our cultural enlightenment. Enjoyed Tony and the whole crew, felt like u were part of the dig and part of the crew, they were all like family. swinging camera booms. Spot on. Nothing lasts forever, including Time Team. i cook as long as i want in italian; chamaecyparis lawsoniana ellwoodii indoor care; dell hard drive incorrect status 48; is richie rosato still alive Im sorry to see that TT is folding though. And Ive always thought tony was perfectly great as the show presenter, interested and fun, a joy to watch. The Aussie fans are disappointed too that T T will be finishing up. Many a critic was silenced by seeing the team in action. I agree. Time Teams industrial contacts are helping to create a fully immersive and interactive 3D model for each site, while John Gater and long-term GPR expert Jimmy Adcock are eager to show what their latest geophysics gear can do. why is car hire so expensive in ireland; michael davis obituary nj; why isn't phil harding in the new time team. Maybe it will work with time team too. time team is the best progamme on tv. ABC altered the format marginally and called it At the Movies. Will there ever be a time when I wouldnt watch Time Team repeats? A monumental row and walk out, one would guess. Having said that, I hope this means Time Team DVDs will now be more available to those of us in the US who adore the show. Whilst on youtube, also check out dig ventures; another fantastic project with another familiar face. This was the best educational programme that looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. Some of the regulars have retired, some have moved on to other things, a few have departed for Tr nan g or the Field of Reeds. Save Time Team Campaign is taking off really fast now, over 1,500 signatures & support from celebrity. I found TR irritating at times but accepted him as part of the show. Such an approach was perfectly realised by Graham Dixon, the director of the first few seasons. All the repeats are still amazing, I also watch ime team every day without fail. Maybe it was better to end the show before they replaced the entire cast with celebrities from TOWIE. We are a large audience. Im 77 and was taught English history at boarding school, but Time Team has made it come alive and with so much meaning. Filmed at Athelney, site of Alfred the Greats apocraphal burnt cakes, the site was scheduled, precluding excavation. . I wonder if some young Channel 4 TV executive is proud of his/her decisions. I loved the camaraderie.. the discoveries.. the wonderful feeling of how people not only survived in early times..but were every bit as capable and inventive as WE think we are ! I am sooooo sad that it is going and so is my family and friends..I would like to know what every one is going to do now our friends we see every week,I love the banter between everyone but no more. Phil annoys me at times, by always stealing the limelight when lesser mortals had done the hard graft,but, the highlights were when lesser mortals (IE Raksha, Matt or Ian) had exciting finds and were allowed to show.Victors drawings were more lively and thought provoking than the boring computer graphics.I will start to miss the programme in two years time, when we finally complete seies 20. Yes, the original core team with Carenza, and then Helen Geake, were great. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. The original team brought an impressive breadth of skills to the programme. R.I.P. Cliche good looking, middle-class presenters who appear somewhat dull in enthusiasm. Channel 4 subsequently announced that the final Time Team series would be broadcast in 2013. After Harding left school he worked in a puppet factory in Marlborough, until he became a full-time archaeologist in 1971. Hopefully, I will be able to visit some. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, Phil Harding net worth is approximately $1.5 Million. GOOD LUCK TO THEM ALL. Failing that I can recommend looking at Google Maps satellite pictures of your local area looking for earthworks hours of fun! 2017, My husband and I decided to get rid of our tv when we had 2 young sons. A terrible loss to the worlds of broadcasting and archaeology alike, with luck a pheonix will rise from the ashes. I absolutely agree with everything you said ! Like Paul said (June 23 comment) you wished you could join them in the pub at the end for a beer . The money was well spent, and today only five Time Team sites remain unpublished a record that shames many UK units and academics. If this were a BBC programme, then this alone would be worth the license fee. The first show of 1994 featured a young, dark, long-haired Tony The Wildman Baldric Robinson, with a equally younger long haired Mick Aston, some of which was not quite all grey. In the first lockdown of spring 2020, that Sunday tradition was revived with weekly Time Team Teatime online watch-alongs of classic episodes, as well as sharing new interviews, behind-the-scenes commentaries, and Q&As with fans via the Time Team Official channel on YouTube (see Further information box on p.54). And we have just recently lost Mick Aston, the Rock of Gibraltar of the show. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, citing court documents, Robinson dealt with anxiety issues, depression and ADHD. I wish I could study with Mick Ashton. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. Victor Ambrus peerless ability to bring the past to life on the fly, for example, was harnassed after his artwork caught Tim Taylors eye in Readers Digest. (3 different history channels, Discovery channel, Travel channel, Military channel, National Geographic channel the list goes on and on. Phil Harding received the honorary degree of Doctor of the University on 24th July 2008. The thrill of time running out also engaged viewers, and Time Teams popularity was rewarded with increasingly longer series. My nana came from England in 1901. An expert in Medieval rural settlement, Carenza is currently Professor for the Public Understanding of Research at University of Lincoln. There was a early chemistry here of personalities, as well as expertise. Our family enjoyed Tony Robinsons performance, but what made Time Team great was Mick and Phil and Carenza and Matt and Stewart and Raksha and Mick the Twig and Bridget and Raysan and Victor the artist and the geophysicists and Robin the historian and all the others whose contributions brought together a cohesive story for a site from a range of disciplines. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. Time Team cancelled by Channel 4? I feel like i know all of the presenters personally they had that effect on people.I watched it evolve over the years and couldnt wait for each knew series. Little surprise she became a history teacher. Im retired now and would love to get involved in archeology at some level. Ok BBC4, its time for you to take Time Team. Years earlier, Sir Mortimer Wheeler did some Archaeology pgms on TV and they were always popular. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. I cannot believe that Mick Aston has died, so very young, I thought he would go on forever. Ive enjoyed watching all the archeologists old and new & think Tony Robinson is a great presenter. Sounds like a bargain to me, how much do the BBC spend on the series presented by David Attenborough? Is Phil Harding from Time Team still alive? Congrats to Lee Brady for having the knowledge to set up the petition and we must (using the current idiom) cascade to as many people that we can to sign too. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of Managements old adage: Its perfect; lets New and Improve it So sad to hear that it came to an end. He is currently single. The team are irreplaceable, such a huge whole left in life once the program ended. Shattered. I started looking to find more information about the history of Henham park & was so sad to see the show has been axed. I know more today of English history and Roman occupation than I ever did before. i never knew this show was available as the colonies never mentioned it. I wish! We also miss Stuart very much. He brought archeaology to the public domain and helped us discover where our nation began, how it grew and how it is still changing. Its an interesting show, and I I was thinking, isnt it about time Time Team was on? Now and would love to get rid of our TV when we had 2 young sons of broadcasting archaeology! The Greats apocraphal burnt cakes, the original core Team with Carenza, and Time Teams demise broke the! Is the surest antidote to youthful energy was perfectly great as the colonies never mentioned it some archaeology on... Aston and brought in other new people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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