Now, nine years after Baker killed, dismembered, and cannibalized McLean on that Greyhound bus outside of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, he has been granted full release. Public protection was not. They put him on medication and under various therapies. But could it be prevented? Baker was found not criminally responsible (NCR) for killing Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus in 2008. Coronavirus: What one of the youngest patients in a B.C. The other thing was, I never believed that my father was afraid to die. That caused him to board the Greyhound for Winnipeg. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Summerville told the CBC he is confident that Baker will remain on his medication and engaged in his treatment. DID MARILYN MONROE REALLY COMMIT SUICIDE? What do you think they could learn from your experience? IS MISSING MALAYSIA AIRLINES FLIGHT 370 A MASS MURDER? Tldr: rehabilitation is a wonderful thing, but if you, without provocation, stab a sleeping person in the throat, saw their head off, eat their eyeballs and put their ears in your pockets as trophies while dangling their . For more information, please see our Really, shes one of few anti-hate, "lets-not-discriminate" voices that are drowning in the company of those who want Vince Li, the greyhound bus beheader/cannibal, to stay locked up forever. They lost their loving son, brother, cousin and nephew. Like Vince Li, Ryan was suffering from a schizophrenic episode, he heard the voice of his dead mother telling him to do it. DEFUND (ELEMENTS) OF THE POLICE BUT LET COPS BE COPS, BESIDE THE ROAD NEW BASED-ON-TRUE-CRIME SERIES BOOK #4, THE TRUE STORY ABOUT WHO REALLY STOLE JFKS BRAIN, WHY IT TAKES SO LONG TO MAKE A CORONAVIRUS VACCINE, WHY CASEY ANTHONY GOT AWAY WITH MURDERING HER DAUGHTER, FROM THE SHADOWS NEW CRIME BOOK RELEASE FROM GARRY RODGERS. Aghast, they stared as Li sawed and hacked. Yes, public safety is paramount. A decade ago on a highway west of Winnipeg Vince Li violently attacked his seatmate on a Greyhound bus, killing Timothy McLean, 22. No one argued that. Hes a law-abiding, productive member of society. If Ive forgiven Ron, and I dont have one thing against him, its pretty hard for others to have it. Think of it another way: This is a career-ender for a doctor. 3.99K subscribers Subscribe 53 3.4K views 10 months ago The Greyhound Bus Case: Vince Li and the death of Tim Mclean, Canadian true crime, Subscribe for more True Crime Judgment passed that Li was not criminally responsible for Tims murder due to psychosis caused by untreated schizophrenia. He hasnt had much of a chance in life, and who am I to take it? He wanted to go to his doctor and take his medication because he knew what was possible if things went wrong. What was that process like? By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. DID THE COVID-19 VIRUS REALLY LEAK FROM A CHINESE LAB? Its exactly like it never happened. Around 6 pm on July 30, 2008, 40-year-old Vince Li boarded bus 1170 at a stop in Erickson, Manitoba. HOW DO YOU GET INTO CSI, THE CRIME LAB, OR THE MORGUE? In the driveway the day he killed my father, as we were waiting for the ambulance, she said, "Poor Ronnie. He tells us he was four when his mother died, and his memory of it was her laid out on a table in the parlor, and him and his little brother, who was three, were tickling her feet, trying to wake her up. How do you explain mental illness to those who think the Selkirk Mental Health Centre should lock Li up and throw away the key? Everyone bailed off except for Li. With the proper treatment and medication, theyre functioning well in society. He described Tims gruesome murder detail-by-detail to his forensic psychiatric team just as a serial killer confesses to detectives. Bit by bit, Vince Li was put back on the street. He got off, had a smoke, then reboarded. ", "It's a complex and nuanced process," he added, "working at many levels with the person, observed by multiple people in multiple ways and multiple settings and putting all of that together over years is the process for recovery in something like this.". Enter your email address below and get your FREE eBook IN THE ATTIC A Psychological Thriller Based on a True Crime Story. Theyre missing the opportunity to point out that this happened as a result of an illness. Women shrieked. That makes the situation more sensational. Li was fired in Edmonton after a strange interpersonal altercation. "He has expressed a desire to stay engaged with his doctor, with me and with some other mental health organizations.". Then theres respect and support of victims. I absolutely believed Mr. Ryan would not remember any of the incident because he was so psychotic. Do you keep in touch with him? Vince Li needs help. Anne Marie Hagan is the last person youd expect to be advocating for the release of Vince Lithe man who decapitated his seatmate on a Greyhound bus in Winnipeg. The system is far from perfect, in general many aspects of the way we deal with and treat mental health in Canada is lacking drastically. As a victim, I felt that was my responsibility; I knew what Ron Ryan was really capable of so I had to work to make sure that he stayed locked up. A forensic psychiatrist was quoted saying at Lees release hearing that, in his opinion, Li had only a 0.8% chance of relapsing. 5 KILLER TIPS FOR WRITING DEADLY CRIME FICTION, ELEVEN THINGS YOU CANT DO WHEN YOURE DEAD, NO WITNESSES TO NOTHING AMAZON BESTSELLER, STEMI 5 KNOWN REALITIES OF THE UNIVERSE, WRITING DEATH SCENES / PODCAST WITH THE CREATIVE PENN. SUN DANCE WHY CUSTER REALLY LOST THE BATTLE OF THE LITTLE BIGHORN, JOSEPH WAMBAUGH INTERVIEWING CRIME WRITINGS MASTER OF CHARACTERS, MISTER BIG UNDERCOVER STING CONVICTS ANOTHER COLD CASE KILLER, GET YOUR EROTIC BDSM KINKS AT THE SOUTHWEST LEATHER CONFERENCE, AMAZON FREE E-BOOK NEW YEARS PROMOTION NO LIFE UNTIL DEATH BY GARRY RODGERS, MERRY CHRISTMAS & WHATSUP FOR 2019 WITH GARRY RODGERS WRITING, THE ASTOUNDING SECRET BEHIND LEONARDO DA VINCIS CREATIVE GENIUS, UNCONVENTIONAL CRIME WRITING WITH L.A. SCREENWRITER & NOVELIST JENNIFER GRAESER DORNBUSH, KUDOS TO WHOEVER WHACKED GANGSTER JAMES WHITEY BULGER, THE MOTHER FROM HELLMUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME BY PROXY, DONALD TRUMP UNDERSTANDING THE PRESIDENTS PERSONALITY WITH ENNEAGRAM PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPING, DEVELOPING THE MILLION-SELLING INDIE AUTHOR MINDSET WITH ADAM CROFT, CHARLES MANSONS REAL MOTIVE FOR HIS CULT MURDERS, HOW COPS HARASS CITIZENS THE WETASKIWIN, ALBERTA WAY, SECRETS OF WRITING BESTSELLING CRIME THRILLERS WITH SUE COLETTA, RFK ASSASSINATION THE SECOND GUNMAN EVIDENCE, WILDLIFE TROPHY HUNTING THE ECONOMICS, ETHICS AND EMOTIONS, WHY AMERICA CANT EFFECTIVELY CONTROL GUNS. Emily had just turned four the week before. Right now, in my experience, its a little early for that with regards to Tim McLeans family. We spoke to Anne Marie Hagan, a woman whose father was murdered brutally by an axe-wielding, schizophrenic man, who she later forgave. Heres what she had to say. I didnt hear all these politicians making comments when Karla Homolka was released. But Li didnt go into a frenzy. Before I was educated about schizophrenia, yes. A lack of mental clarity runs from psychiatric assessments to criminal verdicts to appellate decisions to legislative changes. While that correlation may be true for non-mentally ill offenders, it's not the case for those who offend on the basis of mental illness. Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, who beheaded and partially ate a man on a Greyhound . DID VINCENT VAN GOGH REALLY COMMIT SUICIDE? WERE YOUA HUMAN BEINGDESIGNED BY A HIGHER INTELLIGENCE? The [mentality that Vince Li should never get out] is an exaggeration of the way mental illness is perceived by most people in society. Then Ron starts to talk about his life. There has been a lot of resistance to the news of Vince Li getting released. On July 30, 2008, Tim McLean boarded Greyhound bus 1170, bound for Winnipeg, Canada. Vince Li, a personal trainer and mixed-martial artist, never imagined he'd get COVID-19. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. What I did to your lives was terrible. Anne Marie Hagan: In 1979, I had no concept of violence. Vince Li, Who Beheaded and Ate Another Man on Bus, Set Free. Theyre missing the opportunity to remind Canadians that mental illness is treatable. The police. We see it as a character flaw, a weakness. Most of the polled public agreed this was the right decision. People like me have incredible power in these stories, and as we go, usually so goes the world. The driver braked the Greyhound to an emergency halt. The Harper government introduced the actin February 2013 under the name Bill C-54. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in 1979 when Ron Ryan, Anne Maries next-door-neighbor, barged into her family home in St Johns, Newfoundland and viciously murdered her father, Thomas, delivering 16 blows with an axe. Additionally, those designated high-risk NCR would be held in custody and not considered for release by a review board until that designation is revoked by the court. Then Li, expressionless behind sunglasses, came for the doorpresenting Tims decapitated head. The Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) program, which Baker went through, is not one that's well known by the Canadian public, unlike the more straightforward justice system for non-mentally ill patients. He cut off Tims nose and both of his ears, smelling them and licking blood from his fingers. But he wasnt truly out of it. But you simply cant kill a deranged man in this situation. Its the overall picture thats never been put to rest. Baker was found not criminally responsible (NCR) for killing Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus in 2008. In 2008, Vince Li killed, decapitated Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus traveling from Edmonton to Winnipeg. But it got even worse. I was an evil son of an evil god. A seemingly random decision, to take the Greyhound from B.C. "From what we can see from this case, is that he does have one of those illnesses that is fully treatment responsive so that the risk goes away when he receives treatment," Dr. Alexander Simpson, the chief of forensic psychiatry at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, explained to VICE. That includes emergency personnel and professional people who were present and exposed to this trauma. [5] [6] Li, described as a tall man in his 40s, with a shaved head and sunglasses, originally sat near the front of the bus, but moved to sit next to McLean following a scheduled rest stop in Brandon. Untold time and money were spent in rehabilitating Vince Li. RACHEL AMPHLETTA CRIME THRILLER/INDIE AUTHOR GOLDEN GEM. The psychiatrists. He is now free with an absolute discharge," reads a Facebook post by Ambrose. Their mandate is to recover someone, not to punish or deter them. How the public should be forced to take a chance on an unsupervised nut who committed the most barbaric act of public murder and cannibalism Ive ever heard of is plain stupid. WHO REALLY MURDERED AND MUTILATED THE BLACK DAHLIA? In spite of what she saw and lived through, Anne Marie came to want one thing for her fathers killer, and now, for Vince Li, too: a second chance. Do you think people are right to be concerned about Vince Li reoffending? the fifth estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy. See an eye witness describing the scene right after it happening (Winnepeg, Manitoba). BETWEEN THE BIKERS NEW BASED-ON-TRUE-CRIME BOOK RELEASE, NXIVM THE CRAZY SEX CULT OF KEITH RANIERE, A PRETTY EVIL TALK WITH AUTHOR SUE COLETTA, LAST STATEMENTS FROM THE TEXAS DEATH ROW CHAMBER, ON THE FLOOR NEW BASED-ON-TRUE-CRIME BOOK BY GARRY RODGERS. McLean was murdered by Vince Li in 2008.Support Dr. Grande on Patreon: Psychiatric Association. Over time, Lis marriage declined and they separated. Anne Marie is opposing the Bill, and the changes it will create in the Criminal Code. HAPPY NEW YEAR & WAZZUP FOR GARRY RODGERS WRITING IN 2021. WHO REALLY KIDNAPPED AND KILLED CHARLES LINDBERGHS CHILD? Anne Marie Hagan is the last person you'd expect to be advocating for the release of Vince Lithe man who decapitated his seatmate on a Greyhound bus in Winnipeg. If he had continued to be detained because of my need for revenge and hatred, who was that helping?Hes proof that when a person with schizophrenia is getting the proper medication, the proper help, they can lead a productive life. Just never let him out. Today they work far better at treating the symptoms of schizophrenia. He settled in Winnipeg and worked in Edmonton. Records are sketchy about his mental assessments. The mother of a man who was beheaded and cannibalized on a Greyhound bus is criticizing a decision to grant complete freedom to the man who committed the violent crime. Now Li moved toward the back. Li was cuffed and it was over. His own brain chemistry was failing him. Vince Li was sitting near the front. I feel most people agree. If you suddenly become mentally sick, unless I blame it on you, unless its a character flawthat means suddenly I could become mentally sick, too. Another point of concern when it comes to Lis release is possible recidivism. But Li came prepared for this slaughter. Theyre reinforcing the stigma of mental illness by making people unnecessarily afraid of the mentally ill. Friends lost a guy whod give them the shirt off his back never mind a laugh from their innards. Vince Li, Who Beheaded and Ate Another Man on Bus, Set Free. He reclused like so many mentally-ill people do. Baker was found not criminally responsible (NCR) for killing Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus in 2008. OPEN-AI / CHATGPT A FICTION WRITER TALKS SHOP WITH A BOT. "This is not simply understanding that one becomes unwell, but the particular way in which illness manifests in this person that gives rise of this very particular risk occurring and what are the things in life that have given rise to that situation. This was like a Halloween movie, when you get a beheading and cannibalism. Heres where the system is flawed. The crime scene was processed and witnesses were isolated. Every time he would see me he would say Im so sorry, and Id always say Ron, we forgive you. Its not a matter of benefit, and Im not saying that anyone should forgive. How Id never turn my back on Emily, how Id always stand by Emily. I called up Anne Marie to talk about Vince Li, how she ever found it possible to forgive the man who murdered her father, and what we can learn from her experience. And the way I see it, it puts Mr. Li more at risk for physical harm when hes out. Vince Li, the man who beheaded Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus in 2008, was given an unconditional discharge resulting in a call for more education on mental health issues. They tried to negotiate with the crazy man holding a knife. On March 5, 2009seven months after Li took Tims lifeVince Li was found not criminally responsible due to a mental illness. One of Canada's most horrific and notorious murders played out on a greyhound bus, eastbound for Winnipeg, when Vincent Li (now Will Baker) suddenly turned on Timothy McLean without warning,. Did you worry about Ron Ryan hurting someone else after he was released? I was also on high alert because its always on your mind. Part Jeffrey Dahmer. Why are you opposing this? "The mental health system is under-resourced here and in Vincent Li's case, and many others, people who commit criminal acts while mentally ill have often been failed by the general health system and better care earlier has to be the long-term answer to reduce the number of these cases," said Simpson. On March 5, 2009, Vince Li was found not criminally responsible for the murder and decapitation of 22-year-old Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus near Portage la Prairie, Man. Shell never get over this. The Guy on the Greyhound Bus got international attention. Nor was he taking any when he boarded the Greyhound bus. Hes a model citizen, hes rebuilt his life, he works, and he does post-secondary education. THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT ADOLF HITLERS REMAINS, TOP 20 INVENTORS KILLED BY THEIR OWN INVENTIONS. Hes crazy. Subscribe to it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Anne Marie, who was 19 at the time, saw the whole thing: the axe marks on both floor and ceiling, and her fathers hand separating from his arm when she knelt beside him on the floor, trying to take his pulse after Ryan ran away. WHATS YOUR MYERS-BRIGGS PERSONALITY TYPE? Call him Vince Li, or call him by his new alias Will Baker, but also call him what he is a cannibal killer who beheaded his victim in the back of a Greyhound bus, cut out his heart and ate a. And thats the trend when it comes to the Vince Li story on every comment section from the Winnipeg Free Pressto The Huffington Post. I agree. DID THREE PRISONERS REALLY SURVIVE THEIR ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ? Hear about the horrific bond between two of the most high-profile Canadian killings: the Brentwood Five massacre and the Greyhound bus beheading. While each case is treated differently, in general, the NCR program is a long, carefully thought-out process, which begins with the acute treatment of the illness while the trial is still ongoing. INTERCONNECT FINDING YOUR PLACE, PURPOSE AND MEANING IN THE UNIVERSE. (ONE OF THOSE QUESTIONS MAKING YOU WANT TO PUNCH SOMEONE IN THE FACE). Today, he is a free man. The innocent and unsuspecting victim was Tim McLean, 22, a carnival worker heading home for a break. I had become an aunt, and I had two nieces. But a way that might be able to give another perspective is what if the situation were reversed? The Guy On The Greyhound Bus was Vince Weiguang Li, a 40-year-old Chinese immigrant to Canada who left Edmonton, Alberta eastbound for Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba. Why do you think the Canadian public is so resistant to the release of Vince Li? WAS NATALIE WOOD MURDERED BY HER HUSBAND, ROBERT WAGNER? You see, part of it, and I hear some of this through some of Tim McLeans mothers comments, is being concerned that the person found NCR will hurt someone else. Hed been quiet and distant. God chose me as the killer and God chose Tim as the victim. I said to him, Do you remember killing my father? Oh yes, he said. to Winnipeg rather than a friends offer of a plane ticket, would cost 22-year-old Tim McLean his life and profoundly change the lives of those who witnessed his murder. Around 8:30 pm, Greyhound 1170 was an hour west of Winnipeg on the TransCanada Highway. My father was face up, eyes open. A Saskatchewan official says a beheading on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba 10 years ago was the beginning of a steep decline in bus ridership in his province. Its cruel. It wasnt only the dramatics. Tim McLean was an innocent young man. Parents can often miss the first signs of schizophrenia because their adult children are living outside the home, but experts say treatment is usually more successful if started early. This would increase drastically the inclusion of the victims in the process. He tried to fight back. Theyre connecting the nature of the crime to the likelihood of brutal crime and thats discrimination. On Greyhound 1170, Vincent Li, a diagnosed schizophrenic, sat beside young 22 year old McLean and then, obeying voices inside his head, repeatedly stabbed and decapitated him. Go to his doctor, with me and with some other mental Health.! Decisions to legislative changes dont vince li video one thing against him, its a little early for that with to. We were waiting for the ambulance, she said, `` Poor Ronnie for others to have.! Man in this situation to his forensic psychiatric team just as a serial killer confesses to detectives high because! 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