I will make a righteous Branch sprout from Davids line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 103:13; Isa. jeremiah 33:14-16 This passage is absent in the LXX. I will give the original, as before: vezeh asher yikra lah, Yehovah tsidkenu, "And this one who shall call to her is the Lord our Justification;" that is, the salvation of the Jews shall take place when Jesus Christ is proclaimed to them as their Justifier, and they receive him as such. 15 In those days and at that time. Maybe so, but that saving act of God is not readily apparent in Jeremiahs or Judahs current situation, dreading the imminent arrival of enemy armies. That new covenant is Jesus Christ and salvation by grace through faith (cf. Last week on Christ the King Sunday, we heard about the reforms of the great King Josiah. Verse 10 expresses the tragedy of the destruction and exile of Jerusalem/Judah. 31:31-34). 1 / 51. Can Someones Name Be Erased from the Book of Life? Jer. Nevertheless, he has purchased the land as a pledge, as earnest of Gods redemption: For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Houses and fields and vineyards shall again be bought in this land (32:15). 2. a way of counting the sheep for tithing purposes. Professor and Elva B. Lovell Chair of Old Testament, A resource for the whole church from Luther Seminary. 1:2-3) probably makes this a spiritual promise instead of one to be literally fulfilled. 8I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned against Me and by which they have transgressed against Me. And that is a theologically sound way of reading this passage from Jeremiah. Jeremiah 33:15-16 contain a beautiful promise, but also a twofold danger for Christian pastors. Genesis 13:16; Genesis 15:5; Genesis 22:17). Perhaps you think I am getting confused. The passages in this and the twenty-third chapter were not, I am satisfied, intended to express the same thing. In v. 5 YHWH will show His wrath on Jerusalem by allowing dead bodies to fill the holes made by the siege machines! The word Jehovah, not Lord, should be used in all such places as this. 2:28-29). jeremiah WebCommentary on Jeremiah 33:14-26. AB simply leaves it blank with two blank parentheses (p. 292). To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. Ps. The preacher would do well to speak about that historical situation so that the words of promise and hope are heard in all their power. NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 33:19-22 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel by David W. Baker (English) Hard at the best online prices at eBay! Therefore, both the royal and priestly leadership of Israel, in the future, will resume what Israel formerly experienced under the Mosaic Covenant. 19:5-6, note the phrase's use in I Pet. Yet Jeremiah could not stop praying. jeremiah unto thee kjv 12"Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'There will again be in this place which is waste, without man or beast, and in all its cities, a habitation of shepherds who rest their flocks. Western science was developed on this premise of the regularity of God's creation (cf. 27:32; this imagery is the background of John 10:1-18). 33:13 "will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them" This refers to the daily actions a shepherds (cf. The one promised here is a reign over the Israelites at the time of their future restoration. Scripture: Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:25-36 Theme: First Sunday of Advent Title: Prepare the Way - 3qCall to me and I will answer you, rand will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. First the Messiah, the righteous Branch. This promise was as sure as Gods promise to provide day and night faithfully. 2:8-10), which issues in Christlikeness (cf. 14oBehold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when pI will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The house of David might be cut down, but God is able to bring life out of death. 33 While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of the Lord came to him a second time: 2 This is what the Lord says, he who Presently desolate Jerusalem and the cities of Judah would experience joy and thank God because He will have restored their fortunes as they had been formerly. A resource for the whole church from Luther Seminary, The recent rise in acts of anti-Semitism in the United States. 2.Why is Jeremiah's symbolic act of buying a field so significant? So will I multiply the seed of David This must be understood of the spiritual David, Jesus Christ, and his progeny, genuine Christians. Web33 While Jeremiah was still locked up in the courtyard of the guards, the message from the Lord came to him a second time: 2 The Lord made the earth, and he keeps it safe. 8:22; 30:17 (opposite of 8:15; 14:19), 2.bring peace (BDB 1027, possibly "prosperity"), 3.bring truth (BDB 54, possibly "security"), 4.restore the fortunes of both Judah and Israel (some LXX MSS change "Israel" to "Jerusalem," however, Jeremiah does mention the reunification often, cf. The goal of God is a people who reflect His character to a lost and needy world! 2:5,9; Rev. 16In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell in safety; and this is the name by which she will be called: the Lord is our righteousness.' The restoration of the Jews. If you but trust in God to guide you ELW 769, H82 635, GG 816, NCH 410, UMH 142 O come, o come, Emmanuel ELW 257, H82 56, GG 88, NCH 116, UMH 211, Stir up your power, O Lord, and come, Carl Schalk, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Capital University. 27:11; 43:1,21; 44:21; 45:9,11; 64:7. Jer 33:1-26. The voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts That is, the voice of the Levites in the sacred service: intimating that the temple should be rebuilt, and the public service restored. 14 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. It refers to the covenant blessings given to the Patriarchs. Righteous Messiah would bring righteousness to the city and make its people righteous. But careful listeners will hear that when God promises to raise up a true ruler, OLD TESTAMENT, VOL. 14 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. WebJeremiah 33. he will do what is just and right in the land. vv. This latter text from Jeremiah may have already existed before Jeremiah 33 was written, and it may be the good word or promise which God now promises to fulfill in The promises of God seemed to have come to an end. Yet it is the beginning of a new year, the beginning of another Church year. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3). NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. v. 14; 6:9-15). Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Free shipping for many products! We claim the Old Testament as well as the New as our Holy Scripture. The complete fulfillment of Gods promises has not yet happened, but it is coming. sponsor this page And thats exactly what happened. 23And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, 24"Have you not observed what this people have spoken, saying, 'The two families which the Lord chose, He has rejected them'? 1.the Fountain of living waters, 2:13; 17:13, 2.the good Shepherd, 23:4; 31:10 (3:15 plural), 5.the Lord our righteousness, 23:6; 33:16. Imprisoned for angering the king by speaking Gods truth to royal power (Jeremiah 32:3-5), Jeremiah has been lamenting to the Lord that the city will fall, and that God will do nothing to help. Families will grow again (Jeremiah 33:11), worship will resume at the temple (Jeremiah 33:11; Jeremiah 33:18), and God will always provide a legitimate and righteous ruler (Jeremiah 33:14-26), so that people can live in safety (Jeremiah 33:16). ], To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. Numbers 13:28; Deuteronomy 3:5; Deuteronomy 28:52; Ezekiel 21:20). 32:39 in light of Ezek. The two families which the Lord hath chosen Some think these refer to the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah; but they never can be considered as two distinct families, being of one and the same race. Web33 While Jeremiah was still locked up in the courtyard of the guards, the message from the Lord came to him a second time: 2 The Lord made the earth, and he keeps it safe. 31:35-37). WebChrist is here prophesied of, 1. 23:6) is transferred to the repentant and obedient people of God (cf. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. 257-62, 282.]. 9It will be to Me a name of joy, praise and glory before all the nations of the earth which will hear of all the good that I do for them, and they will fear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it.'". Grant Osborne, The Hermeneutical Spiral (p. 216), calls this strophe a "disputation speech" (cf. 9:11; 10:22; Isa. Web14 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. 1."call to Me" - BDB 894, KB 1128, Qal imperative, singular, cf. 3:18; 30:3; 31:27; 33:11,14,17; and possibly v. 24), 5.rebuild them both (i.e., completely restore them), 6.cleanse them from all their iniquity (#6 and #7 are part of the promise of the new covenant in 31:31-34), 7.pardon all their iniquities (the first seven above are all perfects), 8.the restored covenant people will resume their place as a light to the nations (v. 9; 3:17,19; 4:2; 16:19). 13In the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the lowland, in the cities of the Negev, in the land of Benjamin, in the environs of Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah, the flocks will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them,' says the Lord. She is particularly passionate about helping children and families learn their faith through song. ], "Days are coming" (Heb. Kristyn performs annual shows at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and the Grand Ole Opry, where she leads the Sing! There will come a time in the land of Judah when there shall once more be heard the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride (33:10-11). WebCHAPTER 33. 17For thus says the Lord, 'David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel; 18and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man before Me to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to prepare sacrifices continually.'". We must ask the Lord for some things before He will give them to us (cf. Every paragraph has one and only one subject. Why We Must Prioritize Both Prayer and Scripture Reading. This is a prophet imprisoned by his own government because he keeps prophesying doom. Verse Jeremiah 33:2. 22:10). The young man pleaded with the Lord to release him from such a difficult duty. . 7I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel and will rebuild them as they were at first. The Hebrew word for saved is yasha . Five hundred years after God saved the Judeans from their Babylonian exile, a child would be born, and his parents would name him Yeshua, or Jesus, meaning God saves.. conferencebased on her book by the same name. The LORD will heal, cleanse, and forgive them (Jeremiah 33:6-8) out of mercy for them (Jeremiah 33:26). WebBiblical Commentary Jeremiah 33:14-16 EXEGESIS: JEREMIAH 30-33. Scott Hoezee. Yahweh promised to multiply the descendants of David and the Levites as the stars of the heavens and as the sand grains of the sea (cf. of This section consists of a small collection of messianic prophecies. Sign up for an account to try it FREE for 30 days. And yet, our Jewish sisters and brothers have wrestled and reckoned with this verse in their own tradition, and have come to different answers. In Prophecy of the Restoration from Babylon, and of Messiah as King and Priest. They shall dfear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity I provide for it. He would restore the fortunes of both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms and would rebuild these nations as they had formerly existed. 50 Zach Charbonnet, RB, UCLA. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) 3 / 51. 33:22 "counted. ], From then on there would always be a Davidic king ruling over the nation of Israel (cf. ], "In other words, although God can make himself heard, and has already done so in saying this, nevertheless to reveal all that he wants to say, he desires a hearer who is already reaching out to him. A. The JPSOA and the AB both assert the ambiguity and uncertainty of the end of v. 4 and the beginning of v. 5. Ezra 1:8; 5:14) who returned after the exile (cf. See Hosea 1:10, c. Hosea 2:15, c. Hosea 6:11, c. Amos 9:14, c., and Jeremiah 3:12, c. The end of the captivity has been foretold by Micah, Micah 7:9, &c. Zephaniah, Zephaniah 3:10, c. and by Jeremiah, Jeremiah 16:15 Jeremiah 23:3; Jeremiah 29:10; Jeremiah 32:37. 4For thus says the Lord God of Israel concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah which are broken down to make a defense against the siege ramps and against the sword, 5'While they are coming to fight with the Chaldeans and to fill them with the corpses of men whom I have slain in My anger and in My wrath, and I have hidden My face from this city because of all their wickedness: 6Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth. 33:17 "For thus says the Lord, 'David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel'" This goes back to the prophecy of II Sam. Though it is likely that this particular section of Jeremiahs prophecy is a later addition (33:14-26 is lacking in the Septuagint), in its current literary context, the promises are spoken to address a dire situation. In spite of it, Jeremiah continued to plead for the people, and that Jehovah permitted him to PARAGRAPH DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS, (The parentheses represent poetic literary units), READING CYCLE THREE (see introductory section), FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S INTENT AT PARAGRAPH LEVEL. No. "Pardon" is a term which is always used for God's forgiveness. They all refer to some deviation from the standard of judgment which is God Himself, as revealed in the covenant. All might seem lost, but God still is faithful. Call unto me, and I will answer thee To me alone it belongs to reveal what is future; and the stupendous things which are now coming are known only to myself. 33:26 "I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them" The term "mercy" is a family term (BDB 933, cf. Verse Jeremiah 33:6. Remember that Melchizedek, in Gen. 14:17-24, was the priest/king of Salem. 15In those days and at that timeI will make a righteous(B) Branch(C) sprout from Davids line;(D)he will do what is just and right in the land.16In those days Judah will be saved(E)and Jerusalem will live in safety. A righteous Branch will spring up. These idolaters go to their gods to get information relative to the issue of the present commotions; but there is no light in them. These words in Jeremiah 33:14-16 1.making sure that all of the sheep were in the pen at night, 2.a way of counting the sheep for tithing purposes, 3.the Aramaic Targums specifically attribute this action to the Messiah, NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 33:14-18 The danger is when such readings lead us to discard the Old Testament as irrelevant after Christ, and with it the people of faith who still claim it as ultimate testimony: namely, the Jews. 33:13 "will again pass under the hands of the one who numbers them" This refers to the daily actions a shepherds (cf. However, this is a tremendous Messianic passage which promises a future fulfillment, not only of the exiled seed of Abraham to the Promised Land, but also of the restoration of the Davidic seed and the restored temple. [Note: Feinberg, "Jeremiah," p. 592. And that is a theologically sound way of reading this passage from Jeremiah. But Yahweh promised that He would restore the fortunes of Jacobs seed and that a descendant of David would rule over all the Israelites in the future. Thus saith the Lord This is a new confirmation of what has already been said, viz., The city shall fall, a number of the inhabitants shall perish, the rest shall be carried into captivity; but the nation shall be preserved, and the people return from their captivity. WebCommentary on Jeremiah 33:14-26 (Read Jeremiah 33:14-26) To crown the blessings God has in store, here is a promise of the Messiah. 18:31? By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. One note I would add is that even though there are no domesticated animals left, there is also no mention of wild animals inhabiting the site. Verse 11 is a litany of the joys of normal social activities (i.e., weddings, feast days). Jeremiah 33 Commentary | Already Promised. 49 Jack Campbell, LB, Thus translated by Dahler.-Voici ce que dit l'Eternel, qui fait ce qu'il a dit.-"Thus saith the Lord, who doth that which he hath said." of The Text This Week, "Expecting Justice: The Politics of Jeremiah 33:14-16,", Lectionary The pronoun lah, which is translated her, is the masculine affix, in the Chaldaic form, which frequently occurs; and Dr. Blayney translates, "And this is He whom Jehovah shall call our righteousness," or Justification. In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from Davids line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 2 / 51. 33 answer at least two questions left from chap. Then Judah would enjoy salvation, and Jerusalem would dwell in safety. In the midst of darkness, light is about to break in. 28:14-19; Ezek. WebHe was to act as 'conscience' to God's rebellious people and deliver warnings to the Gentile nations. 22As the host of heaven cannot be counted and the sand of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.'". Each of us must walk in the light we have. Much of this chapter is challenged by the critics who point out that Jeremiah 33:14-26 are missing from the LXX, NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 33:10-11 Gen. 1:1), which is clearly seen in 1:7,16,25; 3:1. 6wBehold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. 283-92.]. 601. Thus saith the Lord the Maker thereof osah, the doer of it. The preacher should also acknowledge, however, that like Jeremiah, he or she speaks these words in a time when many are experiencing great loss: loss of job, of security, of home. The Lords plans for Israel were inaccessible to most people, but He would unlock some of these secrets and share them with Jeremiah in answer to the prophets prayer. WebBiblical Commentary Jeremiah 33:14-16 EXEGESIS: JEREMIAH 30-33. The captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel This must respect the latter times, for the ten tribes did not return with the Jews at the termination of the seventy years. These wild animals often denoted the presence of the demonic (cf. They would offer sacrifices of worship continually (in the millennial kingdom). This section is composed of the following parts: 21:11-14: God calls for justice and threatens judgment. 2:6-7). 11:18-22; James 2:14-26) that was given to Abraham's physical seed is obviously appropriate for Abraham's spiritual seed (cf. (Spoiler Alert: Its always Jesus.) 5They are coming in tto fight against the Chaldeans and to fill them2 with the dead bodies of men whom I shall strike down uin my anger and my wrath, vfor I have hidden my face from this city because of all their evil. 33 The word of the L ord came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still n shut up in the court of the guard: 2 Thus says o the L ord who made the earth, 1 the L ord who formed it to establish it p the L ord is his name: 3 q Call to me and I will answer you, r and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. As sin drove Adam, Eve, and Cain from the Garden of Eden, it now drives the descendants of Abraham out of the Promised Land! Isa. Man is always seeking an external set of rules. He imparts righteousness to his church, for he is made of God to Or, "are coming" {t}; future times are respected; yet such as would quickly come; five or six . This imagery begins in Deut. Look up the following verses and their 33:11; 33:26; 48:47: 49:6; 49:39. Jeremiah 33:14-15 record Gods promises for the future restoration of the community. Verse Jeremiah 33:8. Leviticus 1-2). 1. 33:23-26 This strophe expresses the same truth as vv. 19-22. The wise senior pastor however . He says, 3 Judah, pray to me, and I will answer you. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. Leaving this verse out of your sermon could run the risk of leaving your people with the mistaken impression that God privileges the Christian tradition over the Jewish one. WebJeremiah. This may refer to leaders of people, not just shepherds of sheep (cf. The worst has not yet happened, but it is inevitable. Kristyn and Keith are originally from Northern Ireland and now live in Nashville, Tennessee, with their four daughters. ], "The inference is that Jerusalem would so manifest the qualities of justice and righteousness (in contrast to her past bad record) that she would be worthy of such a name and exemplify the divine order for all the cities and all the people in Israel." It may be helpful here to pause over the verse 16 word saved for a moment. Exod. 14The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the good promise(A) I made to the people of Israel and Judah. The cause of sin; it is because his fear is not in us. We Raise Our Heads - message for Advent 2018. 4 For thus While there are no invading armies on the doorstep (at least not in the North American context), many parishioners will resonate with the fear and hopelessness of Jeremiahs original audience. Sermon Commentary for Sunday, November 28, 2021. No. We Stand (Take a Stand for Jesus) 2. Collection, "Storypath Lectionary Links: Connecting Children's Literature with our Faith Story,", FESTIVALS/SPECIAL DAYS (includes Creation). 1:6) to reach the whole world (cf. Jeremiah 23:1-3; Ezekiel 34:1-6; Luke 15:3-7; John 10:1-18). "FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME." 7:11-16; 23:5 (cf. 1.The first verb "made" (BDB 793, KB 889, Qal active participle) is used in a parallel way to "create" (BDB 135, KB 153, cf. WebJeremiah 33:14-16 NIV The days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. and of those who bring a thank offering into the house of the Lord. You can The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. Verse Jeremiah 33:20. Such is the word of promise and hope in this text. 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1. JEREMIAH 33. 33:2 This is one of several references in Jeremiah to YHWH as creator. The lack of legitimate priests was a problem in the early years of the restoration community (cf. The streets of Jerusalem will soon be filled with the corpses of her people (33:4-5), and the prophet Jeremiah himself is imprisoned by King Zedekiah (33:1). [Note: Feinberg, p. 591. Israel sat on a trade route between two massive empires, Egypt and Babylon/Assyria (roughly modern-day Iraq). . besuroth) things that the prophet did not know (cf. WebThe Lord Promises Peace. [Note: Scalise, p. "While God is always ready to answer the cry of the human heart, man must first request assistance." The words of Jeremiah: This begins a remarkable collection of writings revealed through the Prophet Jeremiah. [Note: Jeremiah 33:11 is the closing part of the benediction used in the modern Jewish wedding ceremony. 33:11 ; 33:26 ; 48:47: 49:6 ; 49:39 Prioritize both Prayer and Scripture reading useful use the.! For tithing purposes Biblica, Inc. used by permission early years of the joys normal... Covenant blessings given to the city and make its people righteous the beginning v.! 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