A citizen of another country in the EU, not under the juridiction of the (third country status) UK? contact the editor here. Ill go first. Its ridiculous. I seriously doubt they would want another Romania or Hungary? That means someone would have to tell you and as part of that process it could be argued that you conspired to break the law in a foreign country. Hi AllyG, I cant help but notice youre still running code which utilises the old definition of woman. As well as campaigning, we should, as a matter of principle, be finding and utilising these technical methods to circumvent them which, whilst they may be against the spirit of laws as they intend them to apply to us, comply with letter of them to the very last full stop. heraldscotland.com is tackling this problem by allowing only subscribers to comment. Have MPs or MSPs been threatened with court or prison ? Legal aid has been cut to the bone everywhere. Nicola Sturgeon has a lesbian lover she was romping with in the Balmoral Hotel: They had a big argument and Nicola threw an iron In the dead of night someone will spill the beans. Of that, there is no doubt. Just watch that poll lead vanish into thin air just like it did with scottishy Labour. Not only does it help move the conversation away from questions about why the law allows a teenager to buy military-grade weaponry and 375 rounds of ammunition, but it does so at the expense of trans people. You cant ask an entire country full of people to unlearn and never again think or speak of something they know. If Unionists were to go after any politician in Scotland, do you think it would be Alex Salmond? Although you are in a remote destination you can always bank on us And thenwell see. Nicola is most trusted, admired and respected politician around as poll after poll shows.. To escape the daily grind of journalism and to find a clean environment, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnhill,_Jura. To be threatened with prison for saying the name in any context hmmm I wonder why. Youve got me, bang to rights gov Ill get my coat. Is there a reason for concentrating on the Singular? Other, quite specific people (we have already had a quiet word with) WILL have their collar felt, if we feel they are disseminating any information (or facilitating the disssemination of information) to the general public if it is construed as information which we dont want disseminated whether or not any crime has actually been committed. sturgeon nicola hellish halfway repeated visited faced Which of them will get the best offer from a paper, westmonster. After all he was her mentor and a personal friend, to imagine she would be involved in any smear campaign defies belief. The case went ahead anyway. Any restrictions on her husbands name? So enraged was the First Minister that she threw an iron at her wayward lover. Polyethylene Film / PE Sheet And (not) speaking of unpersons, official SNP history is trying to make Alex Salmond one of those, having disappeared him from party versions of history. Possibly. sturgeon nicola portrait official Its too late for the Scottish legal profession and the damage has been done.. By. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Even when it was happening Never thought Id be saying that. @AlfBaird of course they are, the yoonery are terrified of Nicolas popularity, so theyll use every thing to try to blacken her name. I so want to do a Scottish government version of Mrs ***** guessing the name of Father **** ******** right now. Innocuously named zipfile shared via DC++, e2dk, etc? Rev what if we Crowdfund you a wee holiday to somewhere warm and covid free, if you set up a blog site, you can spill the beans, the whole beans , and nothing but the beans. See Photos. Ive not smashed them up and I have no wish to see others do that. The amusing part is whether it also covers piecing together identification from what is unpublished information which does not exist. Whos on first base. Alex Salmond was found not guilty by a jury, not by any lawyer. Otherwise its painfully obvious which is missing and just a short step to finding the motive for and the suspects behind it. Completely unrelated of course but if a, possibly now ex, friend of an alleged victim of a crime can say with certainty that their story doesnt hold up would that be because they know where that person was? At least give some benefit to someone whilst playing the bastards at their own game. A member of a completely unrelated institution. I am more astonished that she has not worked that out. Its been on the TV and the radio and in the papers, hundreds if not thousands of times. They cannot realistically expect whatever the currently deployed cipher protecting legal instrument (which itself, apparently cannot be disclosed about?) If I were cynical, the thought would occur that some clever person within the UK security services has a hilariously wicked sense of humour in successfully achieving the objective of fucking up the SNP. I have a few suspects of course. catherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotelmother in law apartment for rent edmonds You must be dragon egg enlarged backpack to post a comment. I said it after the last article, but I will say it again. Scottish juries, and judges have done well, and worked exactly as we would wish, therefore the whole legal system is not corrupt. [email protected] | Call Today 801-428-7210 . They havent behaved as such in at least 6 years plus Rev. Sturgeon must go. Or is such a scenario deemed too unlikely to occur? Is there not a risk that the authorities could inadvertently break their own rule by telling a genuine fan who was innocently singing her praises that they mustnt mention her? With medical bills over here being what they are, the chances of me being able to return to Scotland are remote. This just so bloody ridiculous now and I really ealy dont give runny shite in a Daily Mail about who Madame A, B, C, through H to X, Y, z is, I do. Soon it was being amplified by activists and campaigners. James Wolffe, QC). I see Swinney did the Covid briefing today. Come on someone in some parliament somewhere spill the beans!! WebIsn't it the time you try GNatural? Rev. What about attaching the names to a bitcoin transaction so that they are on the blockchain so they can never be censored? Worst board game ever ScotGov Cluedo. Posted on FB twice [once with comment] Please dont kill me with hammers I WANT TRUTH, SCOTTISH JUSTICE TO BE SEEN AS FAIR AND THE INNOCENT TO BE ABLE TO PROVE THEIR INNOCENCE! Just carrying on and saying just this once is not an option because it never is just this once. What state could that be? Rubbish. inaccuracy or intrusion, then please (before anyone gets hot and bothered, it doesnt, but, illustrates further the point, unless you have the knowing of the how? @Ronnie what in Gods name are you talking about? Who ended free legal aid in Scotland?.Nicola Sturgeon. First Amendment rights would apply and youd have to search VERY hard to find a judge who would state otherwise. The Tory MPs turned against Thatcher because of her vote losing obsession with the Poll Tax (in England). So when he was told that the killer was trans, or a crossdresser, he likely wouldnt have checked too hard. Nah, Isa canny keep a secret:) , Hardly pedantic tho, theres three Stooges and only two Abbot and Costellos, hardly a minor detail. Parliamentary privilege protects you against defamation. You assume wrongly. Either get rid of the present ruling elite and preserve whats left of Scottish Law, or accept that Scottish Law is now a working organ of Holyrood and Victoria Quay. But you cant say her name. Do whats right rather than whats popular. Might as well just have a flashing neon arrow pointing to it. I believed in her too. I dont know why the link isnt working as it opens fine for me . Its not so much a question of p.p. Defamation is also quite a high bar here, as well. Not really a great start to sowing the seeds of regaining independence. But there is a time element involved. We are lucky at The Herald. I put my tin hat on. We may bring cake. That point was well understood before I posted above. I would not be surprised if some bad person/persons spraypaint her name on bridge flyovers.lol. Anywhere near the [redacted] that were after? Webcatherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotel. Voldemort (he who shall not be named). What about whistle blower sites like wikileaks? What is going on?? Nothing could be further from the truth and if you doubt that then you really do need legal advice. Theres a woman in Scotland whose name youre not allowed to say. Disinformation is flourishing in Scotland: how do we stop it. Im sorry Rev but I must clarify my previous point, has there been a conspiracy against Alex Salmond? Im assuming that is saying a name in a very particular and narrow context otherwise its just very silly.. [redacted]s [redacted], [red][acted], is a former [redacted] to [redacted]. Seriousl;y, WTF is this about? Had it been down to the Scottish Government or the Crown Office theyd both be rotting in a cell.. etc. The details change in some tellings. Home. Does Scotland exist in the eyes of the English establishment and general population:-), https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/uk/salmond-i-was-disadvantaged-in-court-by-reprehensible-withholding-of-evidence-39992229.html. By saying the person is a woman hes helped me eliminate half the possibilities. Effijy @ 2:20pm, and I stand ready, from 3,000 miles away, to help the cause of independence in any way I can. They will only turn on Sturgeon if they think Sturgeon will cost them a cushy political career. We hope you will be impressed . We cant even tell you the reason we cant tell you. Just suppose a child under the age of criminal responsibility were to some how post a name on social media. I wonder what would be the reaction if someone from Brussels announced that due to the levels of corruption and politically motivated trials, Scotland would be very unlikely to be readmitted to the European Union. I remember when a certain footballer (Id name him but really cant remember his name) obtained a super-injunction but the Scottish papers named him due to the injunction not extending to Scotland. . The crazy thing is so many people know already. Its too late for the Scottish legal profession and the damage has been done. Player: Wait what, Its going to be typical of me to ask I dont see So & Sos name mentioned lately, I hope they arent ill?. If there are no consequences this time, it will be repeated. March 27, 2023 . Are you OK with that? No chance, Isa cant keep her gob shut. What experience do you have and what have YOU done to stop it? Then his wife. Coming back as Not Archived. Nothing stays secret forever- even secrets. HP10 9TY. Dont say a name. Come to think of it I have had two missed calls from an unknown number Id best practice not thinking of large Proboscitea. Nobody is actually culpable of saying her name, but everyone will know who she is. This needs sorted ASAP. As to technical meansas an example of how asinine the law is, say someone posted a web page containing a sequence of images of Witches, where the image filenames embedded on the page were of the form cce0ce39c2e807615207a966d3991d3d.jpg, 14272422edd9da9ac9bf87a4c0755ed4.jpg, etc. Is there anyone who believes Nicola Sturgeon is telling the truth now? I came to your site following links from RoS and others from Craig Murray`s blog and now can`t stop visiting The horrors of both Scottish and WM judicial and Parlimentary corruption is staggering to view. What about the -I am Spartacus- gambit? O/T (sorry!) Would (s)he be prosecuted for having her own name? It should be at the back of the broom cupboard in Ian Blackfords office. I for one will look forward when she tells her side of the events and hopefully clear up this saga. I dont argue with that. Only a few, such as Joan McAlpine will be worried about people not voting SNP on the List. does this imply that if a large number of people were to ask you to say the names of other people, from within an entirely innocent and unrelated context, then you would have to decline, (so as to avoid jigsaw id), in which case you are now not allowed to refer to anyone at all?. and in what circumstances? We look forward to hearing from you on heraldscotland.com. As a pedant, I dont believe you; pendants wallow in their pedantry. And on the whole they are not corrupt as recent judgments prove. catherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotel The 1970s were an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation. To try and undermine that rule is to undermine your case. Conservative activist Candace Owens claimed there were photos of the gunman cross-dressing, and claimed this was evidence that there were plenty of signs that he was mentally disturbed. Could Aberdein publish his own submissions? Thats why I could only sue Kezia Dugdale for what she said in her Daily Record column, not what she said at FMQs. PEOPLE WHO HIDE BEHIND ANONIMITY HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE! Very scary! So would it be correct to assume that both an interdict and an injunction might well have been raised to cover both jurisdictions, hypothetically speaking. Prosecute me for that, Captain Morgans Rum Advocat! And no it wasnt Eddie Izzard either! My understanding is that anyone resident outside the UK can say whatever they want (but NOT in the comments on my website, just to be clear, because Im responsible for that, not them) and are not subject to any Scottish or English court order. Your problem is that you dont appear to know whats going on in detail. Just published on the written evidence page today . TWO weekends ago, the hashtag #BalmoralHotelIncident went viral on Twitter. THE leaked memo containing an account of a private meeting between SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and the French Ambassador was written in the Scotland Office. I do, for this reason and others. Living in England as I do Im wondering if this might offer me (and Rev. The version I heard is this. Nicola Sturgeon has a lesbian lover she was romping with in the Balmoral Hotel: They had a big argument and Nicola thr Chelsea Lately, Scare Tactics, After Lately. What is the process? Rev. 21 January, 2021 at 3:20 pm Webgraham jarvis height catherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotel. Cant understand why Fabiani doesnt just call it a day, say theyve been thwarted and disrespected by Scotgov, no point continuing. I think that was Abbot and Costello. But Mr Salmond, we cant make any sense of this. It would probably cost you money to defend the action though. As for the woman, one of the complainers in the Alex Salmond fit up gave evidence against Salmond under oath yet eye witnesses testified that she wasnt even in the building at the time of the alleged offence. Any restrictions on her husbands name?. WebSpouse. Well Im sure if were paying Ms Mystery Woman she must be highly regarded and very good at what she does. You couldnt shoot someone dead in the chamber and claim parliamentary privilege. She is utterly compromised and controlled by the british state. so, stu, youre o.k. I wonder, what are our chances of re-entering the European Union now? Can we say AS was stitched up are we allowed to say that? At the age of 66, Jack Wrather died in 1984 after a 33 month battle with cancer. That was and remains an utter disgrace and the people who continue to do so are undermining the criminal justice system itself just as much as those who undermine it by naming protected witnesses. I dont think many would argue with that.. 6-years of Sturgeon, Swinney and Murrell have smashed them up and youve stood back and watched. If we are good little Scottish type persons and we talk about football, and how great it will be when the pubs reopen, or how its chilly out today, will Aunty Nicky love us again and stop trying to put us in prison? About that there can be no doubt. It will make fun going through a telephone directory seeing all the names redacted and comparing it with an older version. Her name will emerge. WebA romantic setting, the hotel offers the magic that you want to make your day be one that you will remember for the rest of your life and for all the right reasons! You could leave out the names of the first two complainers But spill the beans on the rest, most folk know thanks to Garivelli the name of at least one of the conspirator but if the only way to get to the bottom this is paying you to get a Tan, im up for it ? Apparently all is good when dealing in asked hypotheticals @ Vestas! If they were as corrupt as you are trying to imply then Salmond and Mark Hirst would be in gaol already and no doubt many others. This is simply outrageous. It is perfectly lawful, in a court case, particularly in an alleged sex offences case, or a violence one, where retribution might take place, to keep the names of witnesses under wraps. However badly the Legal profession is performing in scotland at the moment, do not be tempted to to play any part in destroying it it may be the last resort against Westminster and may have been set up to be that over 400 years ago. Been recovering from getting stents placed into my coronary arteries. Patently the general public have had no communication of such restrictions placed upon them even for inadvertant use. Time will reveal all. https://sputniknews.com/podcasts-tommy-talks/202101211081827199-a-political-witch-hunt/. I dont pretend to know all the details of this matter but Id worked out enough during 2019/2020 such that I could confidently identify all of the alphabet women with 90% confidence. Stuart Campbell says: January 21, 2021 by, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3sKgQO0jk, https://wingsoverscotland.com/song-for-linda-fabiani/#comment-2600508, https://www.parliament.scot/HarassmentComplaintsCommittee/20210120PoliceScotlandtoConvener(1), https://www.parliament.scot/HarassmentComplaintsCommittee/General%20documents/20201223ConvenertoPoliceScotland(2), https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/facts-and-case-summary-snyder-v-phelps. Webcatherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotel catherine colonna nicola sturgeon balmoral hotel. We are now living in extremely dangerous times where freedom of speech is even more a mythical fantasy than it ever was previously. Webcarson hunter obituary. LOL! It would certainly be legal to state the name and indeed the names of all of the alphabet women, along with all the background information should it be done by a USA citizen posting on a USA-hosted server. David Lyon says: Sarah Noel Colonna (born December 29, 1974) is an American stand-up Or even write a shhool project. Would you, or the laws, necessarily spot this as someone outing (in)directly the names of the lovely alphabettys? It should have been a safe space for informed debate, somewhere for readers to discuss issues around the biggest stories of the day, but all too often the below the line comments on most websites have become bogged down by off-topic discussions and abuse. A very good analogy of what is happening with Sturgeon and her administration, her supporters also think she is too big to go down. Thanks I have the details now. So please dont say her name or anything that might suggest her name or even speculate about it. The old saw. I too must be one of the few people on here who does not know who this person is. WebCelebrities, visitors and locals alike have made the Sky Room their fine-dining destination of choice for over 80 years, and for compelling reasons: the finest cuisine, cocktails and Good luck to them, because, ultimately, the consequences of not successfully challenging misinformation and disinformation, of allowing it to flourish means much more mince to come. Wings may be accused of Jigsaw identification. WebFor the following 9 years, she served as the official voice of the French Republics Presidency, then she left office to work as Director-General of the National Center of Cinematography (CNC) in September 2004. Carrying on and saying just this once is not an option because it is. Shall not be named ) the possibilities they will only turn on sturgeon if they think will... American stand-up or even speculate about it protecting legal instrument ( which itself, apparently can be... 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