I was at NH from 79-82 and remember exactly the same details as the chap who posted in October 2012. I doubt the falling rolls had so much to do with Clemo's sexual abuse. Griz lived part time right amongst the dorms and there was never the slightest hint of any unsavory interest. A headteacher who faked his name, age and qualifications to run a boarding school in Leicestershire for 40 years has been exposed as a fraud by his son. Browse all resources Move Planner Find a mortgage Property valuation Conveyancing Post a Job Find the best broadband See tradesmen blacklist. He was a systematic, violent, sex abuser who inflicted considerable pain on me whilst he violated me. I think it was your aunt who forgot to collect you so I and the under matron looked after you. As an 8-year-old I thought everyone had to go to a school like this. I recall him as a patient and affable man, fair in his dealings with pupils, and a great teacher of English and director of school plays. Its name is derived from the Nevill family who owned it from the 15th century until 1876. I made an excuse that I would not be able to because of the YHA bed sheets.That was that for a while but I felt horrible and betrayed.The following term he started putting me under pressure to come to his room and masturbate together. It was a death camp, I was also there tortured childhood caned on the back of my legs chalk board rubber thrown at my head dragged around wasnt the best school by any means things as a adult would never forget. All done for effect i'm sure. However, I have now made the decision to step down from the role. I also remember with fondness him umpiring cricket matches covered in jumpers. I was at NH during those years and always had fond memories of matrons who looked after the girls dorm. The coincidence of having two geography masters exhibiting the same tendencies, one after the other is extraordinary. Overall, I enjoyed my time there, but as I get older I have to think that much of that was down to age and naivety, and not knowing anything different. holt hall estate nevill cunard david ross leicestershire carphone neville maud owned lady entrepreneur mortgages takes parts easton shipping family Phillips was a real piece of work, and that French bastard Draggy abused me for years.I always found Coppas to be quite nice, and Deaso was OK with me.As for all the others it was completely mad.Recently had a look on facebbok, and found a site about old schools, with a couple of familiar names talk about history! I was greatly influenced by a school trip to Stratford to see Taming of the Shrew, um- the event rather than the play itself. if you thrive, it is at the expense of some part of your personality that would be better served by remaining with your family. I was at NH from 71 74. I remember tuck shop on the weekends, sledging in the snow in winter, singing in the choir, great puddings and kippers for breakfast, "manners maketh man", Ms Webb and her VW, getting hit in the head (splitting it open) with a golf club and being "patched up" by matron (no x-ray or scan back then), Corby in the distance and imagining escaping somewhere, school sports days and the caravan, music nights, a lecture about harpsicords, TV (which consisted of A-Team, Blockbusters then bed), reading before bed (a habit I cannot shake), setting off the fire alarm ( as a dare to see who could make the largest crack on the glass) and Mr P. doing the rounds that night stopping at the foot of my bed and making a point of saying what a wonderful fire practice it was as "even the Masters didn't know it was happening".it was a while before I breathed out under the blankets, Cub Scouts and fencing, Walks around Rutland Water with Mr P, Orange slices for the colts, so many Abimbolas I couldn't keep up with the majors, minors and so on, getting the train with others back to St Pancras (it really was like Hogwarts) but most of all I remember waiting for exiats looking out the lead-lined windows and praying for the next car to be my Mum and Dad/Grandparents coming to take me away to another placeeven for a brief time. The present-day gardens are beautiful, just large vegetable patches in the 40s. He had couple of black and tan things and if he said "speak" to them they start barking. The whole school chanted my name and I was marched down to see the headmaster, crying my eyes out - still aged 6. He was a real moster. It was an odd place, though really not unpleasant. F.S.P. United footballer. He would regularly reduce classmates to tears and would do the same at night time when doing the dorm rounds with an equally mean spirited and vindictive matron called Miss Macdonald (remember her..?). FSP beat the living daylights out of me." I went back to the school in 2005, and tried to look around but couldn't. I was one of those boys, not sexually abused but routinely physically abused, primarily by Mr Clements, for whom I have no sympathy whatever, but also by others. I kept a close eye on my children, but if I had known what was happening at the time I would have certainly have removed them and alerted all the relevant bodies. I was a pupil at this school from 1964-1969 and remember many of these characters well. WebNevill Holt, Market Harborough . the carpentry master, who used to slam the top of a bench with the flat of a saw if he wanted quite; the snooker and billiard room; the swimming pool with the mangle; outdoor swedish exercises in the quad; the rifle range; catching moles and skinning themFilms, at the end of which we had to say "Thank you very much sir"Just thumbing thru' the brochure I still have of that era.. there appears to be an absence of a list of teachers which is v odd. Like 'Anonymous' who posted on 16 March last year, I was also a pupil at NH from '86 - '91. He is a physco and has lost the plot completely. Seems even more odd now than it did then! It's a long story which I won't bore you with but when the police began investigating that nasty shit Clements they turned up a whole load of other stuff. One wonders how the role was advertised. My parents pulled us from the school when they were told we would have to board, the following year. Needless to say it stressed me beyond belief. There seems to be much innuendo in these comments about Mr Copas but nothing substantial. I remember Cutts letting the dorm captains (in the junior dorms) stay up with her watching TV and playing top-trumps.Despite some good memories, I have every sympathy with those who sound angry. I feel for those that suffered at the hands of Clements/ Copas. Mr Bellinger? I was there from 1978 -1980. More likely that a new generation looked upon their seven-year-old children, and recoiled in horror at the prospect of subjecting them to such an institution. May there be a special place in hell for those that would take advantage of children. Unfortunately I missed out on DCSP at the helm, with hindsight his father was not really a suitable headmaster of a boys schoolhe also should have retired much earlier. I taught art at NH for one term in 1968, covering for maternity leave I think. In the end he was punished for it. I was lucky not to be on the end of his temper but I remember plenty who were. I think she was the sister of a Man United footballer - at least that was the rumour. Although it may or may not have been a particularly ideal school for me personally I am grateful for the experience and the many opportunities it gave me. I would welcome contact from anyone who has anything to offer, anonymously or otherwise, relevant to the abuse claims or not. This became less frequent as the years went by and the will of the younger, enlightened, Latin teaching with a terrible lisp, Mr. Philips was increasingly felt in the corridors.Good staff at the school were, a female art teacher, and the young nurse, the sister of a Man. It lies to the south-east of the B664 road between Mr Wrobleski taught history and Geography was a decent guy. Disturbing days for far too many young boys and seriously scarring for some. Am I right in thinking you are Miss Pickering?If so I remember you well and fondly. Robin David Peverett, paedophile teacher at Eastbourne College Preparatory School, Pestalozzi Village, Nevill Holt Whilst there may have been scandals at the school (I certainly wasn't aware of any at the time), most of the teachers were very good and a lot of us left there with a very good education. After his accident he returned to school somewhat scarred and slightly disfigured. Also today, Nevill Holt announced changes to its summer festival lineup. Closeted on a hill in a quiet part of Leicestershire, the ironstone hall The tragedy of this rose-tinted view is that it implies the notion that excessive violence is or has been an acceptable means to exert power over vulnerable people, in particular children unable to articulate the real reasons for their lack of concentration in the classroom or apparent 'bad behaviour'. My strongest memory has always been the sound of the dormitories, the first night of term -- the sound of little boys crying for their mothers has stayed with me my whole life. Please don't deny his guilt, it insults those few who had their innocence stolen. ), there were some even darker characters.Re Copas. What I actually saw was restricted as my spectacles were more or less always broken. flickr pro nevill holt leicestershire neville Miss Pickering was the art teacher that belongs in the 'good staff' category. No I wasn't Miss Pickering I was Miss Viney but I was only there for one term in your first year, so you may not remember me. Needless to say, Latin & Rugby were my two best subjects (along with 2 Victor Ludorum Juniorum & 2 Seniorum cups, & several colours). I would disagree with my contemporary Piers on FSPs wife and the drinking but I defer to his better memory. I personally did not like him. However, the worst of all those to me; the first -year teacher, a female of short, round, stature whom literally rendered me unconscious on one occasion. The judge added that Clements, who admitted 33 sex offences against the six boys, had subjected his victims to "what any right-minded person would regard as degrading and perverted behaviour". In fact, he had only just completed his military training at Uxbridge. There was one girl, K who was lovely but obviously didn't gave the confidence yo stand up to the other girls and so took part in the bullying just to avoid becoming a victim themselves. The company has introduced countless young people to opera in the East Midlands and its year-round education programme works with schools across the region. Also one art lesson when some bright spark in form 4 asked where babies came from, so I said if if you all keep painting and stop being silly I'll tell you. I wouldn't be surprised if his 'death' was made up to appease us. One of the few girls admitted to th school, from what I can remember so that Phillip's daughter could legitimately attend the school. He'd bend your fingers back do far to inspect nails that some boys would cry. My children went to NH - 87 - 89 (my son and daughter). I remember Miss Autry as the school secretary and a WONDERFUL teacher Miss Barge. Me again! Reading this article makes me think you're a very strange person who has very odd thoughts and views! Nothing but the best for old Deeso and his order of the boot. Going away to school at 8 is tough. I liked him as a person , but found him a bit scary . A super snob, he promoted a newly arrived sixthformer to headboy because he was the Honourable Leith. I don't remember to much of Clements except that he was an unpleasant character. Clements was a split personality type who could be pleasant one minute and violent the next. They were all let down it seems by just one particular individual who had betrayed the trust bestowed upon him. I posted on this thread some years ago and don't want to repeat myself but it has been so interesting, and often terribly sad, to read these posts.Hopefully whoever questioned the Copas story has now been duly corrected. I would like, for the sake of their reputations, to add that Mr Phillips and Griz were - in my experience - very caring indivduals. I remember DAVID Phillips meeting his wife to be and how glamorous she looked . Outside of his sex abuse 'extra tuition' classes he had a bad temper. Crombe. I feel I have to put on record what happened to me.I was at NH from 1968 to 1975. There was Mr Cooke with his wooden leg (a limp!) Anonymous from December 2011. Invites to his house to listen to audio books and plays, albeit this was always done as part of a group did not feel inappropriate at the time, but today it would be. And I had no bother from Copas, although in retrospect perhaps a chap who lives half the week in a room next to the dorms and the other half in the village to which he would sometimes invite a group of boys for musical evenings (records - they were quite good!) I had every NH record from 100 1500 Long Jump & High Jump and won the County Championships all under his tutelage. Mr Winter - a very good history teacher who got outed for being an agnostic. I failed O level 6 times!Miss Peacock (not sure if that is correct but it did begin with P) - she took art and we all had a crush on her. I did though suffer extreme physical abuse, usually by cane to the hand, from the old headmaster and others, supplemented perhaps once every couple of weeks by the whipping of my arse, often protected by a layer of writing paper in my short trousers. As someone else recently observed, the collective experience was about as good a preparation for life as anyone might hope for. H Clements as a violent psycho. I was at NH from 58-64 and remember P Oakey very well and more distantly Pappa Clegg as he calls himself. He subsequently got into huge trouble at Dulwich Prep resulting in a (miraculously) suspended sentence. But the daily bullying was relentless - freezing cold showers, bending fingers back to inspect nails, pulling by the ears etc. Whilst there were a few teachers who scared me a little I always found the Phillips's and Mr Copas to be really nice people. I was at Nevill Holt in 1957 ,when Oakey was there. I was, like others before me it seems, just googling for old images of the school. Mixed in to the mundane there were plenty of comic moments that still make me laugh and there were a few tragedies along the way too. met the man behind the Nevill Holt Opera Festival. Nevill Holt School @NevillHoltPrep 1h. I had totally forgotten about her but what a dreadful women to have preparing our food, I have never eaten swede since as I could have sworn her fingernails were always in it!All in all a mixed bag and, in hindsight some real weird individuals and I have no doubt they could not survive in today's environment. Mr Copas was a leader, a mentor and great English teacher - a source of comfort to many students in a rather gothic and isolated climate.It's surreal to identify him with the darker aspects of that place, since he lives on in my memory with some of the most positive and inspiring. I don't know where he got some the masters from, but they were not all competent teachers. Only caned once, but deservedly so after getting into a fight. I can remember there were a few week-ends where she could not collect me for whatever reason and I went to stay with some other boys. Sadly, it didn't surprise me at all when he was later outed as a paedophile (one of the boys he abused was in my year and the police rang me to ask if I could provide corroborating evidence). And it does seem a dreadful oversight to have let Edmund Clements remain for so long without being found out. NEVILL HOLT. I am shocked at the abuse that went on. I liked him (remember his black lab called Sally?) English was taught by a Mr Ryder and French by a Miss Robinette. I am sure there are many others like me who have not been part of a formal investigation. Temper I have never since seen matched but had some self-control. AP. Copas however, seemed like a total gent. I was at Nevill Holt from 1962 to 1968. Save on property services Mortgages, broadband, and more. Fascinated and horrified by previous posts. But all in all I had some of the best memories of my life at that place, I still keep in touch with people to this day form there. possibly the only male teacher who I remember genuinely wanted to do right by the pupils. I did not have any untoward experiences with either Mr Copas or Clements. The Victorians were less Victorian than we imagine. I went to Nevill Holt between 1966 and 1971, a strange transition time between old Mr Phillips and young Mr Phillips.Old Mr Phillips was a stickler for discipline and rules, in my 1st term at school I remember the school rules being read out on our 1st evening. He sexually abused a significant number of pupils. Was in the choir with him, and never did I see or suspect anything. Busted.As for Clements, an evil man with a sadistic streak that ran to how he wanted to torture women. I am very aware that many pupils had far better experiences than me at the school even during those years. Check out, & 'Like' FB's "Survivors of Nevill Holt"! Blimey! Griz worked with me when I did the reading at the church in Melbourne for the BBC christmas concert. Mr Clements is still living in Eastbourne. I was there from 76-80 and was abused by Clements. I cannot find any corroboration for this, but being in his late 80s, it is not unlikely. Nevill Holt Opera has announced that due to financial headwinds in the arts sector, it has reconsidered its festival program. To all the Griz defenders - If Griz was not 'involved' I'm not sure why, on catching me talking after lights-out, he found it necessary to order me to lean over the side of the cast-iron Bath in his bathroom next to Venetians and tell me to drop my pyjamas so he could beat me with his gym shoe (nicknamed The Jemima) on my bare backside - maybe he thought it'd be more character-building. He also sent me a letter when I scored a 100 against Shrewsbury . That fight, against a boy I perceived as a particular bully. It was brilliant when a lad from Lancashire (no names but he went to Giggleswick after) was caught looking up when she turned round!Mr Burg - not sure if that is the spelling he took games and possibly French. I was also there during those years. When you get separated from your mother aged 8 and someone like Miss MacRonald becomes your principle female contact, it's bound to leave its marks. Leicester New Walk Museum and Art Gallery: A Journ Comedian's son is the deputy leader of Rochdale Co Libertarian Party: Nationalise home schooling, Nevill Holt prep school - stranger than Bonkers Hall, Nick Clegg's "Four Steps to a Fairer Britain", Britblog Roundup 255: This week with added video, House Points: Elf and safety meets The Thick of It. There was a memorial service for him at Medbourne church. Anyone remember him? Ultimately, it's sad that individuals like this can cause the downfall of a very well-intentioned, valuable institution. Old man Phillips was like Captain Blythe, punish and ask questions later. I was taught by Clements & Copas (who killed himself); I remember Copas as a kindly Christan man, and Clements as a short-tempered atheist (who conveniently "found God" after his arrest) who was a b*****d to the kids, though not actually violent. I loved the visits to local historical sites. EEC (he with the wooden leg and the terrible old jokes) was an outstanding teacher and was basically the sole reason I gained a Maths scholarship to Uppingham. It had just been sold to Mr. Cellphone.It all seemed so much, much smaller than I ever remembered.Lucky to have gotten out when we did, apparently.Deepest sympathies to the victims of the abuse. I was sexually abused by my music teacher and when my parents complained, nothing was done about it. I Worked at Neville holt as a assistant Matron in 1988,I was in charge of the younger boys and the girls dorm. A contemporary mentioned that he drove a Sprite. !Copas (griz) outstanding teacher who I can not believe could have been involved.Clements on the other hand missed his time , should have been a member of the SS in Germany during WW2. Fights with homemade wooden swords and shields. It is truly shocking to read the few posts which reveal Peter Copas' dark side. No, we did not have a happy childhood. In the first years we used to go on walks - in a crocodile down the country roads, all in uniform. S reminiscesI am now very old, but I do have memories of NH between 1962-1966I remember EEC, who had a room at the end of a corridor. Does anyone remember how strict they were - the tiniest wrinkle on your bottom sheet usually meant the whole lot was tossed onto the floor and you had to remake it - those two loved the power. On Nevill Holt Hill, the summit of which is crowned by the Hall. A WKG is shown on a plan of Nevill Holt dated 1661. We have found no records that pre-date this. The existing WKG is on the same site and at least parts of the walls are likely to be original. There has been a WKG at Nevill Holt since before 1661 when it is shown on an estate plan. Remember the cute nurse too who used to kiss you goodnight if you were lucky. My son and daughter ) dreadful oversight to have let Edmund Clements remain for so Long without being found.... The 40s found out there were some even darker characters.Re Copas present-day gardens are beautiful just. The pupils i think on me whilst he violated me. summer festival lineup at. There be a special place in nevill holt school for those that suffered at the school remain for so without! Do far to inspect nails, pulling by the ears etc pulled us from the role and seriously for. And slightly disfigured with Clemo 's sexual abuse bullying was relentless - freezing cold showers, bending fingers to... To board, the summit of which is crowned by the ears etc somewhat scarred and slightly.! 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