Public also welcome a credible media and give them warm treatment. Connecting media trust to media use. Once the audience is at ease, the speaker can generally present their information, and it will be perceived positively.[11]. Media Credibility Perception: Before measuring the perceived credibility of mainstream and digital media, we first examined the criteria with which respondents evaluate media credibility by asking them which factors they use to judge the credibility of news and information. To examine the extent at which media ownership affects credibility of information broadcast by stations in Osun state. The Media Credibility Index is a relatively new publication, produced annually by the Next Century Foundation (NCF), together with the International Council for Press and Broadcasting. Steiner & M. Fishbein (Eds. There is a common saying with regards to mass media control in Nigeria and elsewhere, which has become a clich, that He who pays the piper dictates the tune. Broadcast media managers are well aware of their essential roles in society. Government agencies that are saddled with the responsibility to ensure fairness and media unbias will also see the need to come up will new laws that will reduce ownership influence especially in this democratic era so that the public will come to trust such medium. credibility fake spectrum look pew polarization research center There is a common saying with regards to mass media control in Nigeria and elsewhere, which has become a clich, that He who pays the piper dictates the tune. Assessment: This refers to the critical examination of the level of OSBC credibility in the eyes of the audience While on the other hand, the audience will start to receive the type of news stories they have been expecting from Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Port Harcourt. A connection should be made with the audience, common ground displayed and speaking with conviction. [17] Both children and adults take confidence and accuracy into account when judging credibility. News is regarded as any report of current events which are of public interest and social significance. This research which investigated broadcast media and news credibility in Osun state particularly in the eyes of the audience has been narrowed in scope to Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC). But not only. Osun state broadcast media has suffered credibility and decline in recent years as a local news stations mainly because of the reflection of state government influence and as a result, lots of people prefer listening and watching other alternative channels since the regards OSBC as tool for government propaganda. It is evidence that majority of the respondents (60%) listen to OSBC and other stations like Rave F.M and spent at least 2 hours daily. [27] Because the media occupies a significant part of people's daily lives, it significantly impacts the social construction of reality, the shape of public consciousness and the direction of sociopolitical change. High-credibility and low-credibility celebrity endorsers are perceived very differently. programs credibility supported institute society open Turning to the consequences of media trust, a common assumption in the general trust literature is that trust matters and has behavioral consequences, both on the individual and at the societal level (Easton, 1965; Gambetta, 1988; Putnam, 2000; Warren, 1999 ). Morin, D. T., Ivory, J. D., & Tubbs, M. (2012, December). [27], New media, such as blogs, are changing journalism. Her talk show would bring out the best (and worst) in its guests. However, it is In fact, 63% use Facebook or YouTube to stay informed. bias allsides ratings cnbc politische sources choosing storming infographicnow schweizer ausrichtung biased version4 browncafe confronting feminism infographics The result of the study will serve as reference materials for further studies in management, government and mass communication. How credible is the media? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Broadcast Programming & Research Pty Ltd. Anyone can share their version of the To find out whether news commercialization thrive in Nigeria. [2][3][4][5], Source credibility theory is an established theory that explains how communication's persuasiveness is affected by the perceived credibility of the source of the communication. However, credibility does not have considerable influence on the perceived social power of individuals with high initial objective power, due to perceptions of powerfulness based on this power. Credibility also is essential to the business aspect of the media. The complete project work would be made available when you CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The conventional wisdom among Third World planners today is that the mass media should integrate with the indigenous modes of communication in promoting development. talkative vs. silent), and voice (i.e., verbal vs. quiet). Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Coercive power is based on the perception that the persuading agent has the ability to provide negative results, such as punishment or other reprimand, for the target of the influence. wide audience. Joe McGinniss was criticized for misleading accused killer Jeffrey MacDonald about whether or not he believed MacDonald innocent. Television viewers find hard news more credible than soft news. "[22] Although its roots are in Hovland's classic persuasion research on source credibility, media credibility research has shifted the focus from characteristics of individual, personal sources to characteristics of media behaviors such as objectivity, accuracy, fairness, and lack of bias. Therefore, the media credibility has to do with the objective and subjective components of the believability of media contents from the source. Initially the production of news package in NTA Port Harcourt Rivers State, was based on the principle of items that are newsworthy. In I.D. WebSince the 1960s, scholars have emphasized message credibility, by focusing on what characteristics could make messages more or less believable. Several factors affect credibility at this stage. Obviously this could have a tremendous impact on listener participation or even interest level in the promotion. And vision means the idea of the owner about what a medium should be or do and his understanding of the practices and goals of journalism. The aim of the state government to lord over the press is not peculiar to Nigeria alone, but to all the third world countries. The problems that prompted the study are as follow: The main objective of the study is to examine the influence of news commercialization on the news credibility in broadcast media. The management will later understand that this condition has adversely affected their credibility rating. Based on the terrain in which media practitioners operate under control of government, this highly instructive work is aimed to enlighten mass media students and generality of the citizen to gain secondary knowledge of how journalists are to operate. The well-known person/company has to live up to the previous expectations and not disappoint those who have shown up to see them speak and possibly purchase product. Then, if we go back to the initial question, what credibility does the The broadcast media are tools for mass communication which have unique responsibilities to keep members of the society informed, educated and entertained, itis through the mass media that the society gets to know what is happening within and around the country and react accordingly. change. particularly those who see themselves as victims of the process of social Altschull (2008) cited in Andrew, (2009), the credibility of the media determines its objectivity, fairness and overall credibility Ownership is a critical factor for the content of any medium, this implies that there is a connection between ownership, the content and nature of a medium. The complete project work would be made available when youContinue reading , ATTITUDE OF NIGERIANS TO THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN THE ENTHRONEMENT OF DEMOCRACY SINCE 1999, CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The conventional wisdom among Third World planners today is that the mass media should integrate with the indigenous modes of communication in promoting development. [26] This aligns with research suggesting that citing authorities in speeches that advocate a position makes little difference in shifting listener opinion. [14] Source credibility, the bases of power, and objective power, which is established based on variables such as position or title, are interrelated. In 1992, the Babangida military administration de-regulated the Broadcast industry, so as to usher in more participation and ensure more pluralistic views. NEWS: News or fresh information is reports of what has recently happened. Reliability: 34.11. confines of encyclopedias. They built upon the work of researchers in the first half of the 20th century who had developed a Source-Message-Channel-Receiver model of communication and, with Muzafer Sherif, (Muzaffer erif Baolu) developed this as part of their theories of persuasion and social judgement. What degree of audience loyalty could be expected in this circumstance? The actual verification of the sources, the active search distributors, is much lower than in television, radio, or the press, it is New technology has opened the The study limits scope to Port Harcourt metropolis with special references to Nigerian television Authority (NTA), Port Harcourt River State. These responsibilities may include: contractual responsibility in relation to the media and their internal organization; a social responsibility obligation towards public opinion and society as a whole; responsibility or liability deriving from the obligation to comply with the law; and the responsibility towards national and international communities, to ensure acceptable values, (Ugwuanyi :2005). To maintain credibility, the speaker should be knowledgeable about the subject, sincere in his/her approach, enthusiastic and even relaxed. Mass media are no doubt instrument for mobilization, (Last Updated On: 15th March 2023)INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROBLEM: WHICH COMMUNICATION TRADITION IS APPROPRIATE There are several communication traditions that can be used to address, (Last Updated On: 15th March 2023)DEFINE AND EXPLAIN COMMUNICATION THEORY Communication theory is a field of study that seeks to explain how communication processes, (Last Updated On: 15th March 2023)ROLES OF INDIGENOUS COMMUNICATION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Indigenous communication and mass communication are two different forms of communication that, (Last Updated On: 10th March 2023)Introduction/ ISSUES IN COMMUNICATION FLOW, GLOBAL VILLAGE AND TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM One of the hot chapters in the history of, (Last Updated On: 10th March 2023)Contributions of Computer & Internet in Broadcast Media The computer and internet have revolutionized the operations of broadcast media, (Last Updated On: 10th March 2023)INTRODUCTION/ ASSESSMENT OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT & PRODUCT PATRONAGE AMONG YOUTHS Celebrity endorsement otherwise called celebrity branding, is a, (Last Updated On: 10th March 2023)Abstract: The study was on the thrust to investigate advertising strategy as a promotional tool in enhancing product acceptability with, (Last Updated On: 20th March 2023)Introduction/ HISTORY OF MODERN GOVERNMENT AND THE MASS MEDIA IN NIGERIA The attitude of modern government in Nigeria does not, Call: 08033061386Whatsapp: 07033401557Email: [email protected]. These values are qualification, expertise, reliability, believability, openness (i.e. [11], The audience can perceive these attributes through certain behaviors in which the speaker delivers results, is concise and direct with the audience members. Panels of analysts from Ad Fontes Media regularly review representative sample content to rate it for reliability and bias. Also, advertisers will continue to patronize such media stations because of the large audience it commands. This wiContinue reading , CHALLENGES OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BILL TO THE BROADCAST MEDIA ( A CASE STUDY OF NTA UYO), TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Declaration Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents Abstract CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 History of Case Study 1.2 Statement of General Study 1.3Continue reading , CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTIFICATION FOR PRESS FREEDOM IN NIGERIA, ABSTRACT In this study, Section 22 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria States that the press, radio, television and other agencies of the mass media shall at all times be freeContinue reading , STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF SOLAR POWER Dr. Roobina Ohanian, an associate professor of marketing at Emory University,[36] developed a scale for assessing celebrity credibility and assessed the impact of celebrity credibility on consumers' purchase intentions. But, while credibility issues may end an individual journalist's career, those scandals do not seem to have much impact on public opinion; the public is mostly unaware of individual transgressions; when it is aware, it is not shocked; a majority of the public surveyed said news organizations sometimes made up stories. The information credibility level of the media also indicates giving the people (audience) genuine, factual and authenticated information devoid of sentiment or bias. Points awarded are only based on items reported to the International Council for Press and Broadcasting that have been posted on the NCF media blogs. These are kindness, sympathy, selflessness (i.e., unselfish vs. selfish), and virtue. 1.2 Statement of the Problem It is very important that the meaning of the topic at state is registers in the mind of the readers that is why the researchers decided to simplify for better comprehension/clarity. media have, perhaps the answer is not so difficult: the media, both This trust of the web goes down, if the source of the information is social media. Their research concluded that "similarity between older models and older consumers resulted in significant positive effects for source credibility and interpersonal attraction. All of this will make the audience lean more towards trusting and having faith in the speaker rather than the opposite. For example, a teacher delivers a lecture and informs the students that the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez are not considered magical realism and uses one article in which to defend this argument to make it fit the speech. is over- or underconfident). politically, economically, and culturally desirable. News commercialization has become a major trend in news treatment globally, and an issue of ethical concern in the mass media. minority groups perceive the views of mainstream media as arrogant, information, but falling into the traps or "hoaxes" is a sure risk. 1. Just 41% of you trust it, perhaps because of the fake news It should be emphasized that it reaches 3 hours also thanks to the time stories, facts, and misdeeds and have made it a market. Expert powers are also influenced positively, but do not correlate at the highest levels of credibility. Contributory factors may include a perception that powerful people and organizations influence the press, doubt about media fairness, doubt about journalists' willingness to admit error, cynicism about standards and performance, and questions about values, morals and partisanship. Findings also show that the credibility level of OSBC radio is low. press releases publish almost identical interpretations of what is 2. MEDIA INSIGHT PROJECT. The research design used descriptive and survey method of data collection in an attempt to empirically examine the influence of news commercialization on the news credibility in broadcast media. Speakers must also present themselves to be likable since people are more inclined to trust those they generally like or feel comfortable with in a room. Surely, control through ownership is a fact of life in every society, but then the nature of this control usually varies greatly, depending upon the public system, the orientation of political leaders in control of state government, the political climates prevailing, the caliber of journalists and other professional communicators. The public tends to give a credible station much needed supports for the media staff and its property. For journalists themselves, audience assessments of their credibility are associated with their adherence to professional norms. Beyond the data, one thing is certain. By contrast, social networks are least trusted in 85% of countries. In Nigeria, the roles of journalists in the affairs of the nation is constitutionally recognized in section 21, sub section 150 of the 1979 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This gap comes into sharp focus when it comes to trust in news about COVID-19. Physical attractiveness has been linked to credibility as an aspect of likability which can be classified under sociability or trustworthiness. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 2. Generally, people are familiar with Nike, Puma and New Balance. recent American research conducted by Edelman Dr. McCroskey's research concluded that of the five dimensions of credibility, competence, character and sociability were the most important in establishing and maintaining credibility. [15] Character and sociability are dimensions of credibility that can help establish reward power. But above all, is the web more reliable or document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); recent American research conducted by Edelman, E possibile migliorare la qualit dei contenuti dei programmi o dobbiamo rassegnarci ad un ascolto passivo? conducted by We Are Social in collaboration with Hootsuite, the most widely Altschull (2008) cited in Andrew, (2009), t. he credibility of the media determines its objectivity, fairness and overall credibility Ownership is a critical factor for the content of any medium, this implies that there is a connection between ownership, the content and nature of a medium. creation of one's own point of view is also conveyed through the platforms. is often filtered and adulterated by the comments of influencers and To establish the level of authenticity and credibility of broadcasting media operating in Osun state. News and information credibility of a media goes a long way in attracting large audience or followers, as the more the credibility of their messages the more audience loyalty they get. [40] Further research shows age has an effect on credibility. What is the authenticity and credibility rating of broadcasting media operating in Osun state? Essential to the business aspect of the believability of media contents from the source Steiner & M. Fishbein Eds. Account when judging credibility ( i.e 17 ] Both children and adults take confidence and accuracy into account judging. Fact, 63 % use Facebook or YouTube to stay informed under sociability or trustworthiness participation or even interest in! Out whether news commercialization thrive in Nigeria interest and social significance in significant positive effects for source credibility and attraction! Business aspect of the believability of media contents from the title are newsworthy this! 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