Forgot Password? It is easy to locate an inmate at Stephens County Jail because of their intelligent system.
Specific inquiries about a detainee that is not addressed by the inmate Alternatively, women may wear a conservative dress ending no more than two inches above the knee. However, they also treat inmates with fairness and respect while maintaining a safe, humane, and secure environment for inmates, staff, and the community. Recent Arrests and/or Pre-trial Inmates in Stephens County Jail. 2023 Stephens County Sheriffs Office. Go to this page for inmates in Georgia. WebANI/ALI Interface to all 911 phone systems. The GA Inmate Records links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to GA Inmate Records. Allowed us to choose how much we were able to pay and worked with us very well. Northeast Georgia CASA Outreach Coordinator Chuck Taylor says were very grateful to Kinetic for this very generous [], The Stephens County Planning Commission will meet tonight at 7 p.m. inside the Stephens County Historic Courthouse. Section 13-10-91 which requires that all public employers register and participate with E-Verify. You will need to register for an account if you havent done so before.
To search for an inmate in the Stephens County Jail, find out their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits or even view their mugshot, go to the official Inmate Search Jail Roster, or call the jail at (706)886-0591 for the information you are looking for. Also, you are able to get information on anybody arrested and booked or discharged within the past 24 hours. WebIn many counties, sheriffs relinquish general law enforcement duties to the county police department, but this isnt a requirement and is not always the case. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Sheriff Randy Shirley was elected in 2008. Each visit is limited to fifteen (15) minutes. Inmate is allowed only one (1) visiting session each scheduled visitation day. Women must wear a top with sleeves (halter-tops, tank tops, and bare midriffs are not allowed), pants or shorts at/below the knee, and shoes. Visitors are prohibited from inappropriately exposing themselves to inmates. The downside is that every word you exchange is now on file with law enforcement and could someday be used against you or your inmate if anyhing you do or say can be harmful to their pending case. Login. The Stephens County ID number is 106677.. "/> Make a prepaid account with CenturyLink. Stephens County has been participating in the You will need the information from the inmate search to send mail, visit, or send money to the inmate. Any link from our site to an external website does not imply that we endorse or accept any responsibility for its use. WebThe Stephens County Jail Inmate Locator is a list of persons who have been arrested, including status, how much their bail is, and visiting schedule. User Name. For this reason, visitors should leave all personal items in their vehicles. All visitors must pass a security screening. There are two ways they can do this. Password. Links to external, or third party web sites, are provided solely for visitors' convenience. 2: Static Map Maptiler : rxVFlBHloCNz72B4ZkdW, 3: Geoapify Static Map : 6ddc000db1b6407c9512a4894d76cda2, 3: Static Map MapQuest : u8tLjuyI1txSTBjisrwjvL4XCm9P1jKM, is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. He graduated from Stephens County High School in 1973. Stephens County had a population of approximately 25,891 in the year 2010. Main: 70 N. Alexander St., Ste 205 Attorneys will be able to visit their client from a private booth or will be able to have face-to-face contact in the jail area. Visitation is Monday through Sunday from 9am to 8pm. Food, drink, and tobacco products are not allowed in the visitation area at ANY time. Perform a free Georgia public inmate records search, including inmate rosters, lists, locators, lookups, inquiries, and active jail inmates. Deputies also assist victims of crime, accidents, injury and misfortune whenever possible. Whitfield and his wife were indicted on eight counts of felony animal cruelty after two dead dogs and a third dog near death were discovered locked in crates [], Northeast Georgia Health System could be forced out of United Healthcares network of healthcare providers. Stephens County Sheriffs Office and Jail Information In Georgia. If you have any questions, call Securus: 972-734-1111 or 800-844-6591. Section 13-10-91 which requires that all public employers register and Accessibility/Usability | Copyright Notice | Privacy Policy | Human Trafficking | Problem How do you find an inmate's ID Number in Stephens County Jail in Georgia? ICSolutions offers you the option to set up one of two account types that enable you to fund (prepay for) calls placed to you by an inmate. Suite 205 You should log in here WebThe Stephens County Jail is primarily a pre-trial detention center where persons accused of crimes, who cannot bond out, await their court dates. Perform a free Georgia public inmate records search, including inmate rosters, lists, locators, lookups, inquiries, and active jail inmates. To find out fees, how to's, calling times, limits on phone calls and other systems Securus has do that you can communicate with your Stephens County inmate, check out ourInmate PhonePage. Whether an offender is in jail for a minor offense or a major offense, it is important to their rehabilitation to be in contact with positive friends and relatives. Bring money order to the Jail Lobby with above mentioned information. Keep the following in mind when scheduling a visit: No cell phones are allowed during the visit. 70 North Alexander St., Suite 205Toccoa, GA 30577. Money can be released only one time per booking. All rights reserved. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The methods available are: A cash bond is cash in the full amount of the bond, which will be returned by the court to the Surety when the appearance requirements of the bond have been fulfilled. Box 386 Toccoa, Ga. 30577 Phone: 706-886-9491 Ext. Inmates in disciplinary segregation may be visited only by their attorneys, law enforcement officials, and the facility chaplains. This is completely unprofessional to say the least - would NOT recommend this company to anyone in the future!! Stephens County has been participating in the E-Verify system since March 12, 2008. I tried to email them at the email provided on the website only to find that it is NOT a working email even!! The company must be registered and authorized by the Stephens County Sheriffs Office. The property MUST be located in Stephens County, Georgia. 11/27/2022 -- TOCCOA PD, 01/02/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 02/23/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 02/17/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 03/23/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 02/15/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 02/16/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 04/05/2022 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO, 03/05/2023 -- TOCCOA PD, 04/05/2023 -- STEPHENS COUNTY SO. If you are on probation or parole, or you have recently been released from the jail, it is unlikely that your visit will be allowed. Only two attempts to successfully complete the screening will be permitted. Put money on an inmates phone account. Children must be kept under control at all times and may not be left unattended at any time. Log In to your account: Account Email Address: Account Password: 302 Fax: 706-886-2185 Email: [email protected] Or, Danielle Rhodes, Director Stephens County 911 P.O. The Habersham County Sheriff's Office provides access to current inmate information as a service to, the general public. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 184 square miles (480 sq.
But always be very careful about what you say and do. Prisoners are shown in alphabetical order by last name. Personal/business checks and credit cards are NOT accepted at any time. How to Send and Receive Secure Text and Email Messages with an Inmate in Stephens County Jail, To send or receive a message you MUST first open a. Box 386 Toccoa, Ga. 30577 Phone: 706-886-9491 Ext. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. If you are not sure what county jail the inmate is located in, it helps to at least know the geographic area. Wow, way to run a business. According to Toccoa Police Chief Jimmy Mize, on March 28, his officers responded to a report of a fraud call at Oconee Federal. WebStephens County Clerks Office 37 W. Tugalo St. P.O. Such actions will result in the individual being barred from the premises and his/her visitation privileges suspended or revoked. Most states have Department of Corrections websites that allow you to type in a felon's first and last name and pull up inmates in that state. Please login to continue. Toccoa, GA 30577, Main: (706) 886-2525/Jail: (706)-886-2514. A bond is something of value used to secure the release from jail of a person awaiting trial, on the condition that the person appears for court. Stephens County Jail in Georgia actually houses both the main jail and the road prison as well as those who are arrested in Stephens County. 2021 by the Habersham County Sheriff's Office. WebStephens County Jail Inmates Full Name 70 N. Alexander Street Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 Money To put money on a Stephens County Sheriffs Office inmates account, choose from the following procedures: Mail money order to the inmate (no personal checks are accepted and please, do not mail cash). WebVisit Sheriffs Office Website. Specific inquiries about a detainee that is not addressed by the inmate population list may be directed to the Detention Center staff at 770-531-6904, or through your private legal counsel. Inmates that are on restriction for any reason cannot release money. However, Open records can be collected from the Stephens County Clerks Office. If they are sent to the Stephens County Jail,call (706)886-0591 for assistance.
Men must wear a shirt with sleeves, pants or shorts at/below the knee, and shoes. Also, the sender should include their name and address on the money order. SMS Notifications. How an Inmate Makes a Phone Call to You or Others from Stephens County Jail. WebStephens County Jail Inmates Full Name 70 N. Alexander Street Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 Money To put money on a Stephens County Sheriffs Office inmates account, choose from the following procedures: Mail money order to the inmate (no personal checks are accepted and please, do not mail cash). The bond must then be delivered to the Stephens County Jail in a sealed package bearing the other countys letterhead. SMS Notifications. The Sheriffs Office enforces federal, state and local laws and ordinances, investigates all crimes in the county and arrests violators. Using CenturyLink, you can also fund an account that allows the inmate to call any number on their approved list. The physical address is: 70 North Alexander St., Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 How do you search for an inmate that is in the Stephens County Jail in Georgia? The property is currently zoned as commercial general. According to County Administrator Christian Hamilton, the service agreement for special circuit with TruVista will allow for faster internet at half the cost. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. WebThe Stephens County Jail Inmate Locator is a list of persons who have been arrested, including status, how much their bail is, and visiting schedule. Most of it has been modified from what you get from the standard tlbimp command. The search system will display all the inmates that are currently incarcerated. Inmate ID numbers, also known as Booking numbers, Book numbers or Case numbers are found next to their name in the Stephens County Jail Inmate Search feature of this page.
Note, this is a third party application, by Any bonding company is subject to being suspended from operation under the rules published by the Sheriff. To set up a phone account so that your inmate can call you from Stephens County do the following: 1. At no time will money be transferred between inmates accounts. SMS Notifications. The Stephens County Sheriffs Office provides 24-hour services for the protection of life and property and the preservation of the public peace in Stephens County. It also houses persons sentenced to serve up to twelve (12) months and persons sentenced for more serious offenses until space is available at State facilities. INTER-OP is an Information Technology firm that provides a range of support services to corporate and government clients. 3. WebLogin. is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. It is easy to locate an inmate at Stephens County Jail because of their intelligent system. If you can provide the middle name or initial that is even better. In a perfect world you will also have the inmate's birthdate, but if not, an estimated age will help. The Sheriff is responsible for a wide variety of duties relating to both civil and criminal matters. These officers work very hard and willingly go beyond the requirements of their normal duties. WebThe Habersham County Sheriff's Office provides access to current inmate information as a service to the general public. Stephens County Jail uses the services of several third party companies for most of these services, while some they handle internally with jail staff. We are a veteran owned small business and are dedicated to providing an extremely high level of service to our customers and partners as well as an outstanding work experience for our employees. Each jail and prison has different rules and procedures when it comes to keeping in contact. NOTE: Your messages will be monitored and stored. Section 13-10-91 which requires that all public employers register and participate with E-Verify. At minimum you will need a first and last name. Those who were arrested in Stephens County will most likely be taken to Stephens County Jail in Georgia before being sentenced. The rates charged are regulated and approved by the Georgia Public Service Commission. Login. Include your full name and address. If your inmate has been charged but not yet convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, he or she will most likely be held inthe county detention center where the crime occurred. The Farmers Market will be open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and on Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. County Administrator Christian Hamilton says the market [], The Toccoa Police Department has arrested the suspect believed to be responsible for a gas station burglary that occurred on Monday. All visitors under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by an adult. Integrated RMS query, unlimited remote system connections. WebStephens County Clerks Office 37 W. Tugalo St. P.O. Geo-Address File Management with Contacts, Plans and Premise Alerting. Box 386, Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: 706-779-3911 Fax: 706-779-5930 Email: [email protected]. The inmate is then taken to the visitation area in the jail and assigned to a monitor that is connected to the visitation center. No visitors can be added to the visitation the day of visitation. property in Hart County will have to be prepared by the Hart County Sheriffs Office). 2023 Stephens County Sheriffs Office. Requests for records can be made by completing and submitting the Open Records Request Form. Every effort is made to keep the information provided through this Online Inmate. Geo-Address File Management with Contacts, Plans and Premise Alerting. If you are certain your inmate is in Stephens County Jail, or at the very least in Stephens County, go to this page to search for them. Following links to other sites is done at your own risk and the owners of this website accept no liability for any linked sites or their content. WebThe Stephens County Jail is primarily a pre-trial detention center where persons accused of crimes, who cannot bond out, await their court dates. Only two (2) visitors at one time, however a maximum of five (5) individuals will be permitted to visit during a visitation session. Where can I see a list of adoptable pets? It helps to also have the "A-number", which is the number that ICE assigned to them upon their detention, which you can use instead of attempting to type the detainee's name. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. WebThis project contains interop code for the WebView2. In addition to the professional staff at the Jail, the Sheriffs Office is also responsible for providing inmates with access to appropriate medical, dental, and mental health treatment. Where do you find the information for visiting an inmate, writing an inmate, receiving phone calls from an inmate, sending an inmate money or purchasing commissary for an inmate in Stephens County Jail in Georgia? E-Verify system since March 12, 2008. Silent Dispatching with InterOp Mobile Data Systems. Most of it has been modified from what you get from the standard tlbimp command. Sheriffs Office personnel are unable to discuss inmate medical issues with any third party due to Federal HIPAA law. WebThe Habersham County Sheriff's Office provides access to current inmate information as a service to the general public. Specific inquiries about a detainee that is not addressed by the inmate Type in the inmate's name and it will tell you where he or she is incarcerated and their projected release date. Hosting By KEN-TECH Stephens County is in compliance with Georgia Code O.C.G.A. Every effort is made to keep the information provided through this Online Inmate Inquiry application accurate and up-to-date. The purpose of money posted on the Inmate Commissary Account is for store purchases only. Visitations Hours at Stephens County Jail: SATURDAY (Even Cells) / SUNDAY (Odd Cells). If you want to send an inmate money so they can self-bail, or purchase commissary or phone cards, go here to find out where and how to send it. It also houses persons sentenced to serve up to twelve (12) months and persons sentenced for more serious offenses until space is available at State facilities. The list is automatically updated every 15 minutes and should reflect recent changes in detainee status. It is advised not to discuss their pending case. Stephens County Jail inmate locator: Bookings, Status, Who's in jail, Information Recorded, Grade, Inmate List, Court Type, Disposition, Mugshots, Bond, Bond Information, Booking Date, Description, Commitment Date, Post Date, Bond Amount, Arrests, Height, Release Date, Charges, Statute, Status. An inmate's data will remain in the system five days post-release. The search system will display all the inmates that are currently incarcerated. In some cases, there will be more than one possibility. They are the final word in any county law enforcement matter, and the constitution for the state of Georgia mandates that every county have one. The administration of this process is performed by the Bonding personnel of the Sheriffs Office. They also responsible for safeguarding the inmates constitutional rights; arranging adequate housing, meals and recreation as required by law; and providing reasonable access to visitation, religious services, and programs. These devoted individuals ensure that inmates appear in court, serve their sentences, or await transfer to another facility. The bond must be prepared by the Sheriff of the county where the property is located (e.g. Toccoa, GA 30577, Main: (706) 886-2525/Jail: (706)-886-2514, It will only take a minuteto make a difference. If you have any outstanding warrants, dont even think about coming to the Stephens County Jail, as you will be arrested. km). An inmate's data will remain in the system five days post-release. WebThe list is automatically updated every 15 minutes and should reflect recent changes in detainee status. Also, you are able to get information on anybody arrested and booked or discharged within the past 24 hours. The physical address is: 70 North Alexander St., Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 Attempting to pass items could result in criminal prosecution. No more than $100 will be accepted at any time. As WNEG News previously reported, the Toccoa Police Department was searching for the man responsible for burglarizing the Texaco Gas Station, located on the corner of Broad and West Currahee Streets. Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, Scheduled Release, Jail Housing Location, Court. You can check out this information now by going to the:Family Infopage,Visit Inmatepage,Inmate Mailpage,Inmate Phonepage,Send Moneypage,Inmate Bailpage,Mugshotspage,Text/Email an Inmatepage,Commissarypage,Remote Visitspage, or theTablet Rentalpage. Crime Statistics of Stephens County, Georgia, 2018 Violent Crime Rate Stephens: 330 Data Source: Uniform Crime Reporting FBI, Stephens County Sheriffs Office Information, Randy Shirley, Sheriff Stephens County Sheriffs Office 70 N. Alexander Street Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 Email: [email protected] Phone: (706) 886-2525, Andy Myers, Chief Deputy Stephens County Sheriffs Office 70 N. Alexander Street Suite 205 Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: (706) 886-2525. Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Stephens County GA. Also, you are able to get information on anybody arrested and booked or discharged within the past 24 hours. The Stephens County Jail is "open" 24-hours-a-day. The Sheriffs Office provides all inmates with appropriate medical care as determined by professional medical and legal standards. If the inmate wishes to release all or part of this money to a friend or relative, the inmate must fill out a separate property release form for this purpose; the friend or relative must be on the inmates visitation list. Access ICSolutions online at and complete the fields in the Create an Account box. If you only have the city name, look up the city's police department, call and ask them if they keep inmates at a local jail or send them to the county jail. 302 Fax: 706-886-2185 Email: [email protected] Or, Danielle Rhodes, Director Stephens County 911 P.O. Box 386, Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: 706-779-3911 Fax: 706-779-5930 Email: [email protected] Stephens You should log in here Please Click the link below to view the inmate database. The Sheriff is responsible for a wide variety of duties relating to both civil and criminal matters. Log In to your account: Account Email Address: Account Password: Talk on the Phone: Inmates are only allowed to make outgoing phone calls. If you want to know more about the Stephens County Jail's commissary policy, go here. Type in the person's name and click 'search'. Is this place even open Does he pay the rent? Please login to continue. If an inmate is housed in Stephens County Jail, you can call the facility to schedule a visit as well. Inmates who are staying in the Stephens County Jail in Georgia are able to buy things they may need from commissary. It is advised not to discuss their pending case. A great way to support an inmate is by being a person they can call, writing letters, visiting, and helping them get things they need from commissary. Regardless, as Stephens County Jail adds these services, JAILEXCHANGE will add them to our pages, helping you access the services and answering your questions about how to use them and what they cost. He says the incident occurred around 5 a.m. just before the [], High-speed fiber broadband provider Kinetic has donated $1,000 to a countywide campaign to promote better parenting and prevent child abuse. The sex offender list has information about the offenders name, age, height, address, crime, conviction date, and, county of conviction, city, state, zip code, sex offenders address, registration date, etc. Commercial garbage will be picked up as [], The Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Post-Legislative Coffee this month at Currahee Club, located at 1 Currahee Club Drive, in Toccoa. This movement can take a few days to several months to complete, so keep checking back to find out where the inmate was taken. To set up an account Call ICSolutions Customer Care at (888) 506-8407. Once on the page, you will click on the Corrections bubble Make a deposit now to make a touchpay account. participate with E-Verify. This guy at Lighthouse never answers the phone. WebThis project contains interop code for the WebView2. Learn more about how to get phone calls from an inmate in the Stephens County Jail, visit an inmate and find the inmate visitation schedules, send money to an inmate and get directions for purchasing commissary items,and learn more about how to mail an inmate in the Stephens County Jail, review the letter writing rules and regulations, and how to address your envelopes to them. The Stephens County Sheriffs Office provides 24-hour services for the protection of life and property and the preservation of the public peace in Stephens County. You may want to refrain from discussing your inmate's court case. Prisoners are shown in alphabetical order by last name. WebGeorgia Inmate Search. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. WebVisit Sheriffs Office Website. Everything from video calls, to messages to visitation, and even digital mail and money deposits can be done from your home computer or personal device. Stephens is a county in the State of Georgia. The Stephens County Sheriffs Office provides 24-hour services for the protection of life and property and the preservation of the public peace in Stephens County. Prisoners are shown in alphabetical order by last name. To look up the detainee, users need the full legal name the person used upon their arrest and the country the person claimed they originated from. Note, this is a third party application, by Choose [facility_name_1}, then connect with your inmate. Sheriff Shirley served with the Toccoa Police Department as a police officer from 1974 to 1980, the Stephens County Sheriffs Office as an investigator from 1980 to 1996 and the Georgia Department of Labor in Atlanta from 1996 to 1999 as an agent. Ridiculous. Silent Dispatching with InterOp Mobile Data Systems. We have not found any records/reports regarding Stephens County Sheriffs Office. Box 386 Toccoa, Ga. 30577 Phone: 706-886-9491 Ext. When you call, give the staff member the name of who you are looking for and a birthdate or age if you have it. The mission of the Stephens County Jail is to protect the citizens of Stephens County, employees, and the inmate while maintaining a safe and secure facility, and working in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies. Randy Built using WordPress and Mesmerize Theme. Visitors are not allowed to pass anything to inmates. WebLogin. WebThe Stephens County Jail is open 24 hours a day, however if you want to visit the facility for any reason, you should always call (706)886-0591 ahead of time to find out the best time to get your problem resolved. The Stephens County ID number is 106677. According to Toccoa Police Chief Jimmy Mize, his office is currently working a burglary that occurred at the Texaco Gas Station, located on the corner of Broad and West Currahee Street. To conduct an online search, enter the inmates' names and ID. During normal business hours (MO-FR, 8AM-5PM), United States Postal Service (USPS) money orders or cashier checks drawn on local Stephens County banks are required. Form fitting clothing, stretch clothing of any type, clothing worn in a suggestive manner, or clothing that reveals undergarments is not allowed. The Stephens County ID number is 106677.. "/> Stephens County Jail Basic Information Facility Name Stephens County Jail Facility Type County Jail Address 70 North Alexander Street Suite 205, Tocca, GA, 30577 Phone 706-886-2525 Telephone Carrier Securus Tech Email [email protected] Security Level Medium City Tocca Postal Code 30577 State Georgia County Stephens The site wont allow us reason can not release money authorized by the Sheriff is for. Suite 205Toccoa, GA 30577 is completely unprofessional to say the least - would recommend! Even! geographic area all the inmates ' names and ID to that! 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