97 0 obj <>stream
Billy Dean Carter Arrested After Father-Son Argument Turns Violent in Marion County Jul 2, 2020 News Desk MARION COUNTY, Iowa The patriarch of a Marion County family who successfully sued one of his sons for the 2015 wrongful death of his wife, Shirley Carter, has been bus accident coronavirus kim reynolds opinion You missed Iowa Iowa x+ | xS* | endstream He is father of Two (William Eli Dean, Hannah). Jason Carter, of Knoxville, and his father, Bill Carter, have been locked in legal disputes since Shirley Carter's death. 158 0 obj 181 0 obj endstream WebBilly Dean Carter, 55, was arrested Wednesday and charged with assaulting his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, the Des Moines Register reported. endobj 163 0 obj endobj x+ | x+ | R endstream "It was like a nightmare," he later told investigators. the plaintiffs Bill and Billy, through the Estate of Shirley Carter, filed this suit against Jason and alleged he shot her causing her death. <>stream Jason was charged with Shirleys murder in 2017, butacquitted by a jury in March 2019. <>stream <>stream x+ | The Iowa Supreme Court on Friday, March 19, 2021, upheld that civil lawsuit, rejecting his appeal and leaving in place the jury's $10 million verdict. endobj KNOXVILLE, Iowa An Iowa man who successfully sued one of his sons for the shooting death of his wife has been assaulted by his other son, police said. Jason Carter pleaded not guilty to murder, a charge that, if convicted, would send him to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Jason Carters lawyer, Alison Kanne, said she and her client disagree with the courts decision and we remain satisfied with the fact that Jason Carter was conclusively deemed not guilty by a jury of his peers who had all of the information in front of them, which is something the civil jury did not have.. 176 0 obj During the trial, she recalled the conversation. As part of their case, investigators said Jason Carter's latent prints were on evidence at the crime scene, though he testified he never touched the evidence. <>stream She further said that due to panic, she could not remember her mothers address. R On July 5, the plaintiffs served a subpoena to DCI requiring it to produce the entire law enforcement investigation file on Shirleys homicide. x+ | x+ | x+ | Troy Bouma He told arriving officers her home was burglarized, according to a criminal complaint. endstream endstream The Marion County Sheriffs Office, Melcher-Dallas Police Department and Melcher-Dallas Fire Department all responded to the scene. 2-IA v. Carter: Defense Opening Statement. It is time he stops fighting in the courts and pays something anything against the $10 million judgment he owes, Weinhardt said. Carter, 46, of Knoxville, was charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Shirley Carter, days after a civil jury found him responsible for her June 2015 death. Jason Carter was charged two days after the civiljury in December 2017orderedhim to pay $10 millionto his mother's estate. endobj endobj The criminal complaint says Billy was at the home of his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, in rural Lacona Wednesday afternoon when the two began arguing. <>stream R endstream endobj <>stream
52 0 obj <>stream endobj Police say the younger Carter knocked his father to the ground and kicked him twice on a road near the elder fathers home following an argument. 199 0 obj 90 0 obj <>stream endobj endobj endobj In 2019, Jason Carter was acquitted of murder in his mothers death, but the jury verdict in the civil case was allowed to stand. R
[k\;&.Wz\fBj4"${7`T:Nz_BABkVs;@if ZmAd+h. Carter also withheld vital information during his initial interviews, according to charging documents. 198 0 obj Exonerated Central Park 5 member Yusef Salaam responds to Trump charges with full-page ad, Brooke Shields says John F. Kennedy Jr. showed his 'true colors' and was 'less than chivalrous' after she refused to sleep with him on their first date, The joy and pain of a '90s boy band concert at a mall in 2023, Bob Lee, Cash App founder and former Square executive, dead after 'horrific' act of violence: DA, Trump praised his family in his post-arraignment speech, but didn't mention Melania, who was nowhere to be seen, SoCal to see slight warming trend this week, Anne Arundel County considers carry out plastic bag ban, White House wants to boost green energy in communities reeling from coal plant shutdowns. 6 0 obj x+ | However, as Shirley Carter was found murdered in the family residence, many things changed. He is father of Two (William Eli Dean, Hannah). x+ | endstream <>stream 115 0 obj <>stream endstream 21 0 obj xS* <>stream Carter, 46, of Knoxville, was charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Shirley Carter, days after a civil jury found him responsible for her June 2015 death. A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mothers estate. His motions were based in part on evidence that had surfaced in which witnesses claimed the shooting was a botched attempt by other people to steal prescription medication from Shirley and Bill Carters home. 123 0 obj xS* 119 0 obj At this point no criminal charges were pending. Carter must pay $10M after jury finds him responsible for mother's death. endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r
<>stream WebBilly Dean. 54 0 obj x+ | endobj x+ | MORE ALBUMS. endstream However, as Shirley Carter was found murdered in the family residence, many things changed. <>stream endstream x+ | <>stream the plaintiffs Bill and Billy, through the Estate of Shirley Carter, filed this suit against Jason and alleged he shot her causing her death. Jason Carter claimed such evidence may have helped him cast doubt on his liability in the civil case. In 2017, a jury ordered another of Bill Carters sons, Jason Carter, to pay $10 million to the estate of of his mother, 68-year-old Shirley, who died in 2015 from two gunshot wounds fired by a rifle. endobj The criminal complaint says Billy was at the home of his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, in rural Lacona Wednesday afternoon when the two began arguing. "She has worked her (expletive) off her entire life to die a miserable death by somebody thats still out there walkin around with a(expletive) gun," Carter said,accusing the agents of wasting their time grilling him instead of finding his mother's killer. endstream endobj x+ | endobj 1-IA v. Carter: Prosecution Opening Statement. <>stream endobj <>stream Jason Carter was charged with first-degree murder in his mothers death, but a jury acquitted him in March 2019. 186 0 obj Jason Carter claimed such evidence may have helped him cast doubt on his liability in the civil case. The rifle has never been recovered by police. endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream endobj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r 71 0 obj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream 172 0 obj x+ | 39 0 obj endstream 105 0 obj endobj Relationship Facts of Billy Dean. <>stream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r endobj endstream endstream x+ | endobj 36 0 obj xS* She, His brother, Billy Carter, also testified during the trial. 94 0 obj Meet Billy. <>stream x+ | endobj endobj 185 0 obj xS* endstream Billy Dean Carter, 55, is charged with willful injury causing bodily injury. endstream endstream x+ | <>stream x+ | 5 0 obj endstream xS* 16 0 obj 95 0 obj 65 0 obj endstream Office and bedroom drawers were pulled out and emptied elsewhere in thehome, making the killing look like a burglary turned deadly. His brother, Billy Carter, also testified during the trial. 125 0 obj R endstream WebBilly Dean Carter Obituary. endobj endstream R endobj Online court records reveal 55-year-old Billy Dean Carter has been charged with willful injury causing bodily injury for an incident that happened Wednesday. It began with a phone call, Jason was very hesitant to make, according to his sister. 31 0 obj
endobj xS* endobj endobj x+ | 45 0 obj endstream xM10C R endobj endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r endobj Jana lives near Plano and was shopping at Walmart when she received the call. 58 0 obj x+ | endobj Bill Carter filed the lawsuit on behalf of his late wifes estate and another son, Billy Dean Carter, in 2016. endstream endobj It was then that she broke down the news that his wife had died. x+ | xS* endstream 24 0 obj 2-IA v. Carter: Defense Opening Statement. Tomorrow's Anniversary. 112 0 obj WebBilly Dean. R endobj
xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream x+ | He also is pursuing a similar lawsuit in state court that a judge put on hold pending the Iowa Supreme Court ruling that was issued Friday. A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mother's estate. <>stream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream <>stream Shirley Carter, 68, died from two gunshot wounds from a medium-caliber rifle in the kitchen of herrural Marion County home. endobj Jason Carter was charged with first-degree murder in his mothers death, but a jury acquitted him in March 2019. 76 0 obj <>stream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r His sexual orientation is straight. <>stream Connect with the definitive source for global and local news, Film Review: 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie'. Bill Carter had claimed in the lawsuit that Jason killed his mother to gain access to his parents assets. endobj Bill Carter filed the lawsuit on behalf of his late wife's estate and another son, Billy Dean Carter, in 2016. endstream Billy Dean is married to Stephanie Paisley. <>stream endobj 75 0 obj endobj At the civil trial, Bill Carters legal team claimedJason shotShirley from about 10 feet away as he hid behind a barrier near the back door of the home. A passerby found Bill Carter lying on the side of the road around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, police said. After no one was initially charged in the killing,Jason Carter was suedby his father, Bill Carter, and his brother, Billy Dean Carter, who said it was their only way to seek justice for Shirley, Bill's wife of 52 years. <>stream The unresolved murder case of Shirley Carter is told through the perspective of her son Jason Cater, his family, and the legal defense team, who had to journey through quite the experience to get him acquitted of the crime. His sexual orientation is straight. It is, at long last, some measure of justice for the memory of Shirley Carter.. endstream <>stream <>stream Read More: Where is Jason Carters Wife Now? endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream x+ | DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) There was enough evidence for a jury to conclude in a wrongful death lawsuit that an Iowa man shot and killed his mother, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday, leaving in place the jurys $10 million award even though the man was eventually acquitted on criminal charges in her death. endstream <>stream 117 0 obj ABOUTLOGINSIGN UP. endobj Jason Carter's attorneys, however, contended he had no reason to kill his mother, someone they said he loved dearly. Proudly powered by WordPress <>stream Heprovided information to law enforcement that incriminated himself that included multiple inconsistent statements, investigators said. R Today's Anniversary. DEANS LIST. <>stream <>stream Bill Carter is the husband of Shirley Carter who was murdered in their home near Lacona in June of 2015. endobj 32 0 obj
<>stream A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mother's estate. I said Everythings going to be okay. In any case, both the siblings believe in his guilt. x+ | endobj <>stream He is father of Two (William Eli Dean, Hannah). <>stream 159 0 obj <>stream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r endstream 154 0 obj endobj x+ | On the phone with 911, he told a dispatcher hediscovered his mother'sbodyon the tile floor in theone-story, wood-framed home. <>stream 192 0 obj x+ | 66 0 obj x+ | endstream
189 0 obj <>stream xS* 23 0 obj "It sure isn't Jason. xS* endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r endobj A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mother's estate. The unresolved murder case of Shirley Carter is told through the perspective of her son Jason Cater, his family, and the legal defense team, who had to journey through quite the experience to get him acquitted of the crime. 4 0 obj ABOUTLOGINSIGN UP. 102 0 obj He first gained national attention after appearing on the television talent competition Star Search. 35 0 obj <>stream endobj One of Bill Carter's attorneys, Mark Weinhardt, told jurors: "The way this killing happened was cold.". The bulletspiercedherheart, lungs, sternumand multiple ribs. This stood out, as it was he who had purchased the gun. endstream R <>stream 38 0 obj CO v. Letecia Stauch: Stepmother Murder Trial, From the Bench with Judge Ashley Willcott, 1-IA v. Carter: Prosecution Opening Statement, 2-IA v. Carter: Defense Opening Statement, 3-IA v. Carter: Donald Hunerdosse, Justin Jordan, Lacy Donahoo & Craig Ambrose, 5-IA v. Carter: Sgt. endstream R endstream endobj R On July 5, the plaintiffs served a subpoena to DCI requiring it to produce the entire law enforcement investigation file on Shirleys homicide. endstream 69 0 obj <>stream 41 0 obj endstream <>stream 82 0 obj xS* you want to continue watching? endstream x+ | Real Man PURCHASE. endstream x+ | endobj endstream 197 0 obj Let Them Be Little PURCHASE. endobj 100 0 obj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r 93 0 obj 134 0 obj endstream WebStoryteller. Tomorrow's Anniversary. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/Font<>>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Type/Page/Contents[ 37 0 R 192 0 R 202 0 R 193 0 R 38 0 R ]/Parent 201 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 612 792]>>
endstream R It is a felony charge. Billy Dean Carter, 55, is charged with willful injury causing bodily injury. Jana lives near Plano and was shopping at Walmart when she received the call. endstream R endstream <>stream <>stream 135 0 obj The claims in his motion were mostly made byinmateslooking to cut a deal with prosecutors, the judge said. The criminal complaint says Billy was at the home of his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, in rural Lacona Wednesday afternoon when the two began arguing. <>stream x+ | 173 0 obj <>stream 98 0 obj endobj endobj endobj endstream x+ | endobj L1rK;`Jh^25.]$O^">`\"H[.XZ4W#,Tlv0OY)2(7QYcEpk(A:` \p endobj <>stream x+ | In his appeal of the civil judgment, Jason Carter claimed the judge had wrongly denied his motions to delay the civil trial, saying it should have been postponed because authorities were still investigating his mothers death and hadnt charged him yet. <>stream 165 0 obj endstream xS* <>stream One can hope that they are faring well, resolving their pain and tribulations. endstream In Accused: Guilty or Innocent, Jason Carter said, I am being accused of murdering my mom by my dad, my sister, and my brother. The last the siblings were seen publicly was during the criminal case trial. MARION COUNTY, Iowa -- A Marion County man who successfully sued one of his sons for the wrongful death of his wife in 2015 has been hospitalized after allegedly being attacked by his other son. x+ | endobj Let Them Be Little PURCHASE. Find Billy Carter's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. 139 0 obj Proudly powered by WordPress 55 year-old Billy Dean Carter is facing felony charges for an incident that took place on Wednesday. WebIA v. CARTER (2019) Billy Dean Carter. <>stream MRn8*_H9A.\G
kZOM:qd]KY[ZSAH[ 2Om6v|anlHwV0hMO0Eu49:2rwI 9DGw(`oil{z(DpF?X;*B The criminal complaint says Billy was at the home of his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, in rural Lacona Wednesday afternoon when the two began arguing. 13 0 obj endstream !PkF0
`dkLFyQPnZ2T`xTpjuvL3$J3}8iW(_Rua]}I'x"\lXer7T=` 6I+i=y>wA[L}:
nZkBP_})zU Billy Deans music has become the soundtrack to our lives. Real Man PURCHASE. endstream According to court documents, 55-year-old Billy Dean Carter left his fathers home after the argument. endobj endstream xS* <>stream endstream x+ | endobj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream 57 0 obj endobj 151 0 obj endstream <>stream endobj endobj Billy Dean married on May 07, 2005. xS* 19-IA v. Carter: Billy Dean Carter. <>stream Billy Dean Carter Arrested After Father-Son Argument Turns Violent in Marion County, On historic indictment day, Bob Woodward hears the echo from Nixon to Trump, As future of abortion pill is weighed, Democrats in Congress see little they can do, Iowa House Democrats release proposals to lower living costs, First Phase of Boone County Water Quality Project Launched, New Perry fire chief / Nuevo jefe de bomberos de Perry, Bluejay Leaders for March announced Wednesday. <>stream All Rights Reserved. At least four times, Jason said he did not know what happened to his mother. x+ | R 26 0 obj endobj 43 0 obj <>stream x+ | 104 0 obj "I don't get it.". endobj xS* x+ | endobj endobj The defendant's brother takes the stand. 148 0 obj MARION COUNTY, Iowa The patriarch of a Marion County family who successfully sued one of his sons for the 2015 wrongful death of his wife, Shirley Carter, has been. <>stream Rather,his attorneys said,Bill shot his wife and benefited financially from killingheras the executor of her will. xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r <>stream Online court records reveal 55-year-old Billy Dean Carter has been charged with willful injury causing bodily injury for an incident that happened Wednesday. endstream R xS* endstream xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r Jana Lain and Billy Carter are Jason Carters siblings. x+ | <>stream Jason Carter, the central Iowa manfoundcivilly responsible for his mother's death, will stand trial later this week for murder in her killing. endobj But JudgeMartha Mertz ruled Carterfailed to meet his burden of proof to get a new civil trial, saying the evidence hisattorneys soughtto offer wasinadmissible and, therefore, would not change the outcomeof another trial. ABOUTLOGINSIGN UP. endobj During an interviewthree days after Shirley was found dead,two agents with theIowa Division of Criminal Investigation accusedJason Carter of killing his mother andlying to them. x+ | endobj xS* Today's Anniversary. 114 0 obj <>stream <>stream <>stream endobj endobj 193 0 obj x+ | 18-0296 _____ BILLY DEAN CARTER, BILL G. CARTER, and the ESTATE OF SHIRLEY D. CARTER by and through BILL G. CARTER, EXECUTOR, Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. JASON CARTER, Defendant-Appellants. endobj MARION COUNTY, Iowa The patriarch of a Marion County family who successfully sued one of his sons for the 2015 wrongful death of his wife, Shirley Carter, has been hospitalized after allegedly being assaulted by his other son. His current condition is not know. R endstream 28 0 obj x+ | Scripps Company. 25 0 obj xS* x+ |
<>stream endobj x+ | endstream endstream endobj <>stream endobj <>stream <>stream endobj xS* endobj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r Carter, 46, of Knoxville, was charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Shirley Carter, days after a civil jury found him responsible for her June 2015 death. endstream endstream x+ | His sexual orientation is straight. <>stream 86 0 obj Bill Carter's lawyer, Mark Weinhardt, said his client feels as if he's had a great weight lifted off his shoulders with the court's decision to uphold the civil verdict and reject Jason Carter's claims that someone else killed his mother in a botched robbery. The court denied Jason Carters appeal of the civil judgment, in which a jury found him responsible for the June 2015 shooting of his mother, Shirley Carter, at her home near Knoxville. Online court records reveal 55-year-old Billy Dean Carter has been charged with willful injury causing bodily injury for an incident that happened Wednesday. endstream <>stream endobj 37 0 obj Today's Anniversary. xS* <>stream endobj When Jason Carterarrived at his parents' home on June 19, 2015, a Fridayafternoon, he was preparingfor a delivery of chemicals to spray on nearbyfields, he told investigators. endobj x+ | <>stream endstream <>stream endobj endobj endobj MORE ALBUMS. A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mothers estate. endstream endobj endstream The three grew up in their family home in Iowa. Billy Dean Carter allegedly assaulted his father Bill Carter near Bills home at approximately 5:30 Wednesday night after an argument. Billy Dean Carter allegedly assaulted his father Bill Carter near Bills home at approximately 5:30 Wednesday night after an argument. <>stream 96 0 obj R xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r We are sad to announce that on February 13, 2015 we had to say goodbye to Billy Dean Carter (Woodbine, Iowa). It is, at long last, some measure of justice for the memory of Shirley Carter.. endstream <>stream The new evidence, they claimed, included interviews detectivesconducted with witnesses who said a group of three peoplebrokeinto her home to burglarize it, killing her in the process. <>stream Billy Dean Carter allegedly assaulted his father Bill Carter near Bills home at approximately 5:30 Wednesday night after an argument. <>stream endobj 196 0 obj <>stream
We are sad to announce that on February 13, 2015 we had to say goodbye to Billy Dean Carter (Woodbine, Iowa). 177 0 obj endobj endstream The court denied Jason Carter's appeal of the civil judgment, in which a jury found him responsible for the June 2015 shooting of his mother, Shirley Carter, at her home near Knoxville. R However, being in Centerville, she got in touch with an Appanoose County dispatcher. endobj R After he killed her, he picked up the shell casings so his weapon could not be identified, Bill's attorneys said. "Jason, the person responsible for this is sitting right here today," anagent responded. WebBilly Dean Carter, 55, was arrested Wednesday and charged with assaulting his father, 74-year-old Bill Carter, the Des Moines Register reported. MARION COUNTY, Iowa -- A Marion County man who successfully sued one of his sons for the wrongful death of his wife in 2015 has been hospitalized after allegedly being attacked by his other son. endstream xS* x+ | He has also fileda civil lawsuit against his father, DCI Investigator Mark Ludwick, and Marion County Deputy Reed Kious. endstream endobj endobj endobj Todays ruling reflects the truth. xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r Accused: Guilty or Innocent goes through a murder case in Iowa that was the subject of much debate and discussion when its case updates were made public. x+ | x+ | It is a felony charge. The defendant's brother takes the stand. endobj endobj Police said the younger Carter knocked his father to the ground and kicked him twice on a road near the elder fathers home following an argument. It is time he stops fighting in the courts and pays something anything against the $10 million judgment he owes, Weinhardt said. <>stream 68 0 obj 183 0 obj A jury found Jason Carter liable and awarded a $10 million judgment to be paid to his father and mother's estate. xS* 3-IA v. Carter: Donald Hunerdosse, Justin Jordan, Lacy Donahoo & Craig Ambrose. endstream endobj 59 0 obj endstream endstream 170 0 obj When he found his dead mother, cold and stiff, her arms were folded across her chest, Cartertold authorities. endstream Carter was acquitted in that trial. endobj JOIN THE. endobj Stay up-to-date on Billys concerts, news, special promotions and new releases by joining the Deans List. x+ | 2-IA v. Carter: Defense Opening Statement. endobj Police said the younger Carter knocked his father to the ground and kicked him twice on a road near the elder fathers home following an argument. endobj xS*2T03 w.C ]el`-r endstream Online court records reveal 55-year-old Billy Dean Carter has been charged with willful injury causing bodily injury for an incident that happened Wednesday. 130 0 obj ButJason Carter knew information about the homicidethat only the killer would have known, authorities said. Iowa man who sued son over wifes death attacked by 2nd son, Hail already impacting parts of eastern Iowa Tuesday morning, Iowas Clark: Dont criticize LSUs Reese for gesture, Archbishop of Dubuque retires: A look at his service and what comes next, Cedar Rapids man charged in 2020 murder of Daniel Spangler, Oskaloosa officials seek public help in locating shooting suspect, Camp Courageous holds annual Spring Break Bash. 3-Ia v. Carter: Defense Opening Statement `` it was like a,. 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