They say the more expensive stuff is prone to less pin holes. Basecoat: This is the part of the paint system that holds the color. Corvette Fiberglass Roller.
I completely stripped the car and it is down to the bare fiberglass. Buying rolls of masking paper saves you time and aggravation and makes the job much easier. Next, keep water on the surface while you sand it in light strokes. Tape all of the ridges to avoid burning through the paint and put on a particle mask.
Primer/sealers with epoxy meet all of these requirements and are popular with body shops. If you intend to paint your car at home, be sure you know the costs involved, both time and money. Block that down & put 3 more coats of K36 sand 2nd time. He will recheck to make sure the paper and tape is secure and has not received any damage from rips or moisture. I cannot emphasize this point enough: Do your homework, get recommendations, and call the better business bureau to see if the shop you selected has had any complaints. Hey, its Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another Q&A series video. The least expensive way to buy sandpaper is in rolls. Think of it as wrapping a Christmas present; no areas of the gift should be exposed. When it comes to price, shop carefully. This is a good time to go over the car with a tack cloth. Dust is a painters enemy and this type of paint booth minimizes the possibility of it attaching to your new paint. High Build Grey Primer, which costs $121.95. Once the car is completely sanded, start wet sanding with 3,000-grit wet/ dry sandpaper. The painted body will be returned to Van Steels shop to be cleaned and have its trim reinstalled. There you have it. Plan on $1200-1800 in materials. Read the label on the can of topcoat to find out the exact curing time. Protecting a rust-free surface and keeping it that way is the intended use of epoxy primers. Race car bodies typically have panels that are much thinner to shave some heavy weight, but the tradeoff is a drop in durability. Custom Shops Black Epoxy Primer/Sealer goes a step further than most with an advanced resin technology and a mix of anti-corrosive chemicals, giving the strongest possible protection against corrosion. Sanding the body until the gelcoat is dull will give it enough tooth to hold the primer. Some users also say that its thicker than some comparable primers and so it requires a little more effort to coat things evenly and cleanly. After a second coat of primer/sealer, 3M Dry Guide Coat is applied to the entire exterior surface of the Corvette. Speekokote Epoxy Fast Dry lives up to its name and dries in just 15 minutes. Mixing the epoxy into the paint allows it to dry rapidly. This 1/2 x 3 Fiberglass Mat Roller will help alleviate such problems & produce professional results. The clearcoat protects the paint from the suns UV rays. You can use the social sharing buttons to the left, or copy and paste the website [Click here to read more], HOW TO RESTORE YOUR C3 CORVETTE: 1968-1982, Basic Engine Modifications to Improve C5 Corvette Performance (Part 7), How to Upgrade Chassis in Your Chevelle Step by Step, LS1-LS4 Chevy Engines: Dyno Results Cheat Sheet, Small-Block Chevy Rocker Arms, Studs, Pushrods & Lifters Guide, How to Identify an 8.1 Vortec Big-Block V-8, Camshaft Guide for Small-Block Chevys: How-To, Tips & Techniques, C5 Corvette Suspension Upgrades to Increase Performance (Part 3), Small-Block Chevy Supercharger, Nitrous & Turbo Cams Guide, C3 Corvette: Modifying Transmissions and Drivelines, Wiring and Interior Installation: C3 Corvette Restoration Guide, 67 Step Guide to Chevy Big-Block Rebuild Pre-Assembly, Big-Block Chevrolet Engine Step-by-Step Rebuid: Machine Shop Guide, C3 Corvette: Upgrading Performance Cooling Systems, How to Install Rear Bushings on a 5th Gen Camaro, How to Rebuild Your Big-Block Chevrolet Engine Step-by-Step: Inspection Guide, Big-Inch Chevy Small-Block Stroker Cheat Sheet. When the final coat of primer is dry, apply a guide coat to the cars surfaces. When products such as PPG Deltron are mixed with a fastdrying reducer, they dry very quickly and do not create a lot of overspray or waste. If the fiberglass was shot onto the gelcoat using a chopper gun, theres no guarantee of uniformity, especially in the curves and corners. The primer used should be compatible with the top coats that youre using. If your product tells you to use one, then do so. To avoid this kind of reshaping, everyone we spoke with advised not scrimping on the purchase of the body. Set the topcoat aside for later. The best trick to achieve a flawless paint job on any fiberglass panel begins with the prep work. Forbes Wheels independently tests and reviews cars and automotive accessories. If you are using the spray-on kind, apply a light, even coat. They should be the type that dries quickly, is thick enough to fill minor defects on the body, and is easily sanded. Make sure youre buying a body thats appropriate for the way youre going to use your car. All Rights Reserved. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kapalini C6(05-13 )Corvette Black Primer Fiberglass Side Skirts & Flaps W/HDWR at the best online prices at eBay! (7%). Then the car needs to be washed. Avoid cleaning like this since it can cause imperfections in the paint down the road. The protective layer adds durability to the fiberglass, and the black rubbery material looks just fine in the fender wells. Learn about classic car bodywork from an expert. Check the label on the bucket or can of paint to find out if you need a primer and topcoat. Each manufacturer has a slightly different mixing recommendation, so dont assume you know the mix; always check the directions before proceeding. Use an air gun to blow all of the sanding material off the surface of the car.
WebFiberglass Reinforced Plastic Front Fiberglasses Body Kits, Front Fiberglasses Body Kits, Black Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fiberglasses Body Kits, Bumpers & Parts for Chevrolet Corvette, Bumpers & Parts for Chevrolet Chevy II, Black Automotive Paint Primers, 1976 Chevrolet Corvette Cars, Chevrolet Corvette 1975 Cars and Trucks SprayMax 2K Activated Epoxy Primer : Best For Small Jobs. Set the topcoat aside for later. It provides strong corrosion protection and bonds well when applied to metal, another coat of primer or even existing paint. Theres action and reaction, so be careful. Be sure to protect yourself, as fiberglass dust is nasty stuff. 2023 Forbes Media LLC. You can use shims to properly gap the fenders or fit the doors. I have been painting Corvettes for over 35 yrs. If the cars body has too many curves to use a long board, a rubber sanding block will help conform the sandpaper to the panel shapes. It provides thorough protection on fiberglass, steel and aluminum and can be used as both a sealer and a primer. Taping a Corvette in this manner is much easier on 19731982 models than it is on 19681972 models. Pete Santini and Kustom Citys Scott Holton used Line-X, a brand of spray-on bedliner, to finish the undersides of fenders. If the gel coat is sanded through and the strands of the glass show, this needs to be sealed with fiberglass resin or body filler. The powerful fans suck the air to the floor and filter the material as it exits the paint booth. Epoxy primer serves two purposes. On the top, they applied one layer of fiberglass cloth. The catalyst is usually sold with the epoxy paint. During the restoration of the Corvette body, the more sun the better. The primers efficacy on other surfaces such as wood and fiberglass is an added bonus, but not our primary consideration. High Build Grey Primer, which costs $121.95. This can get complicated. When this task is completed wash and dry the car again. The lower the number, the more abrasive the paper. That means fiberglass mats were laid on top of the gelcoat in the molds, which ensures uniform panel thickness no matter which way the panels bend or crease. He is now giving the car a final cleaning with a Scotch-Brite pad and an air hose to remove all of the sanding dust from the body panels. Inexpensive plastic spreaders usually cannot be reused once the material hardens and should be thrown away. Their products are in the high-end market and they are just just as good, if not better than the products in the high-end range. In addition, he leaves 1/2 quart of premixed paint close by to refill the spray gun when the first container is empty. I completely stripped the car and it is down to the bare fiberglass. This is good stuff too. Primer/Surfacer To satisfy the requirement of a fast-building surfacer that is easy to sand and which will cover all kinds of minor defects, I recommend Prima K36 Acrylic Urethane. Check the label on the bucket or can of paint to find out if you need a primer and topcoat. Tom is applying the paint in a heated downdraft paint booth. It is now time to begin putting masking tape and paper on all of the areas that are not to be painted. They have good adhesive qualities and do not leave glue residue when they are removed. Eliminating air bubbles & excess resin are the key elements in assuring a strong, durable repair. Speedokote Epoxy Fast Dry 2.1 : Quickest Drying. The dark color shows all of the surface imperfections that need to be removed before the body is painted with its basecoat/clearcoat final finish. 'Hide Summary' : 'Show Summary' }}, -$10.00 Learn how we created posts from Tim's own roadster. It isnt a rust converter or inhibitor, so it can only insulate already deteriorated metal. Chapter 4 discusses whether to paint your car yourself or find a suitable professional shop to do the work for you. Primarily, it guards the metal surface below the paint from rust or other corrosion. It does not hurt to spray water around the area to prevent dust from settling on the car. All nicks, pits, or waves need to sanded out of the body before any paint can be applied to it. Check out Zoolaa and Tamco HP-5310 D.T.M. You can buy this product in 5-gallon containers and save money. Dry thoroughly with clean paper towels and note never to allow the cleaner to air dry as it will leave contaminants on the panel. If you use anything harsh or abrasive, the paint may get scratched. Plan on $1200-1800 in materials. Each of these paints is mixed with epoxy and reducers to harden the paint and thin it enough to be forced through a spray gun. Epoxy primers are among the most resilient ways to prevent rust, and they form a non-porous, tightly bonded seal when applied to bare metal. He says this is a better way to finish these areas than to just pour in resin or gelcoat, as these materials by themselves can get brittle. Finally, once the second coat is dry, spray on a clear exterior topcoat to protect the paint and prevent chipping. Spending a few extra bucks up front should keep you from having to do major fiberglass work to get the parts to fit. One of the nice things about fiberglass bodies is that their gelcoat finish acts like an initial guidecoat. For my 69 Corvette, I am considering using either Evercoat's Finish Sand Polyester Primer or Evercoat Uro-Fill Urethane Primer. Corvette Fiberglass Roller. Corvette panel adhesive is a great product to repair these areas. Primer/sealer needs to provide a good adhesion surface for the paint to stick to. Additionally, as with most products, some are produced to a price and not to a standard. If you dont install the part right away, be sure to clamp the piece to a frame or other rigid structure to avoid any warping or twisting. Click the button below and we will send you an exclusive deal on this book. Body shops work on very hectic schedules. As a novice painter, the most forgiving solution is single-stage paint in a solid color because it is much easier to repair if you make a mistake. I would prime with PPG's DP epoxy primer using the 401 hardner. (7%), -$10.00 The suns heat will work out air bubbles in the resin so they wont cause problems when you paint. As Dennis Taylor (of Dennis Taylors Reproductions) told us, Fiberglass bodies were never assembled in Detroit, so you cant just assume the panels will fit. Coat the surface with 1 to 2 coats of primer. Tim talks about the grille shells & inserts we have to offer. Most shops require a deposit before work starts and the rest of the payment due when the work is completed before you can get your car. Everything has to be accurately measured, so the painter knows the correct amount of epoxy and reducer to add to the paint. The primer/sealer is applied to the car. Speaking of resin, check with your body manufacturer to see if it uses tooling resin or general-purpose resin in the molds. If your primer is not coming out evenly, apply it in short bursts rather than a single, sweeping, side-to-side motion. 1953 to 1957 usually needs the entire body gel coated. , 2hp 29 Gallon Air Tank And Spray Gun Settings, Car Flipping program. If you are using the spray-on kind, apply a light, even coat. Check out Zoolaa and Tamco HP-5310 D.T.M. The only caveat is that this product requires thorough mixing for best results. Dont just hang the doors and assume everything else will fit, Jenkins said. One issue with using a Scotchbrite pad with cleaners first, is that it tends to open up the pores in the gel coat and can allow some of the release agent to absorb into the fiberglass. Wear eye protection and a mask so you dont inhale the glass dust, and cover your skin with long pants, sleeves, and gloves. Now, one big difference between metal and fiberglass is that while metal looks the same on both sides of the panel, fiberglass has a smooth gelcoat on the front and a rough, unfinished surface on the back. Corvette Fiberglass Mat. Large surfaces, such as the door, are a perfect place to use a sanding backing board. You dont necessarily need to get out the glass cloth and resin; Marsons Marglass or Evercoat Kitty Hair will fill in a small area. Closely inspect the surface before proceeding. Ultimately, this product will do a fine job, but the extras add complexity and cost to the job. Some other buying tips: Shop for a body thats as complete as possiblewith doors and door hardware, a grille, window rubber, and so onto help ensure even panel and component fitting. Use wet paper towels and wipe the panel down in small sections at a time. This 1/2 x 3 Fiberglass Mat Roller will help alleviate such problems & produce professional results. Custom Shop Epoxy Primer Sealer/Hardener : Best Overall. Corvette Fiberglass Mats are available in 50 x 1 yard and 50 x 3 yards. The heat will also tighten up the glass, which can affect panel fit, so you dont want to do any trimming or shimming of panels when you assemble the body at this stage. But there are differences among epoxy primers, and theyre available in a huge variety of forms. Transtars 6164 epoxy primer is a straightforward product. If you made the first pass with 80-grit, go to a 180- or 220-grit to smooth the filler and any scratches created by the 80-grit. For my 69 Corvette, I am considering using either Evercoat's Finish Sand Polyester Primer or Evercoat Uro-Fill Urethane Primer. So For especially large objects, such as. They also use lower pressure to apply the paint, which reduces excessive overspray. It can be reduced down 25% with DT870 Reducer to provide a thin, moisture-proof, sealing layer that gives you an excellent base to start working on. Marine-supply stores may also sell the paints. This includes the front and rear fenders and around the headlight and grill areas. The form is usually placed somewhere on the car where it is visible to the customer and technician. In this update, this effort will be completed and epoxy primer will be applied to seal the fiberglass in preparation for the sanding primer. Tony grew up painting cars and bikes. Keep in mind that with the flexibility of fiberglass, shimming in one place may throw off the gap somewhere else. In a lot of ways, prepping glass is just like prepping metal. Poly primer is great for using over bare fiberglass and epoxy. Any filler you use should be able to stretch with the car. This step requires a lot of attention to detail so nothing is missed before the painting begins. This tightening of the fiberglass also gives the panels a memory of how they fit together, so theyll go back together more easily after youve taken them apart to paint them. That could make work quicker, but it also makes the coat thinner which may require additional applications. Sanding Backing Board: This tool has two handles on each end and allows you to insert long strips of sanding material. In this Tech Tip, John talks about what can be expected when converting to suicide doors. Start and finish with one system, like PPGs Global System, for best results. First, you need need numerous sanding grits for your sanding block and sanding backing board. It also gives the paint a base on which to anchor. One of the first items to tackle was shaving the rear antenna. Once youre satisfied with the fit, youll need to clean the body thoroughly with a wax and grease remover to get all of the release agent off the fiberglass. Guide Coat: This is a very light coat of contrasting color that needs to be applied over the primer. Top 8 Primer & Sealer for Fiberglass Comparison: Types of Primers are Used to Prime & Paint Fiberglass: 8 Best Primer for Fiberglass Boat, Door & Car [Reviews of 2023]: 1# KILZ L211101 High-Bonding Interior Latex Primer: 2# Rust-Oleum 207014 Marine Wood & Fiberglass Primer: 3# Rust-Oleum 260510 Automotive Sandable Primer: 4# TotalBoat Block that down & put 3 more coats of K36 sand 2nd time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Auto body and paint expert, Author and Instructor. Lacquer Thinner: You need to have a supply on hand to clean tools as well as the paint gun. Use a basic halogen work light from the discount tool store and place it inside the fender on the frame rail to help it stay warm and set. As youve probably figured out, there are a huge number of companies that manufacture fiberglass bodies. Epoxy primers are among the most resilient ways to prevent rust, and they form a non-porous, tightly bonded seal when applied to bare metal. Tom is pointing out a very low spot on the left rear fender. The best compressors usually have a minimum of 5 hp. Any of these depending on your preference and budget. Poly primer is great for using over bare fiberglass and epoxy. Its Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. The same adhesive properties that make it bind to metal also help it bind to coats of paint that you will apply later. Once the car has cooled the primer/sealer is applied. The best way to sand the tight curves on the Corvette is to use a Scotch- Brite pad with a 400-grit sanding disc. Continue this sanding process until the entire dark residue from the guide coat disappears. You can find most of the supplies online and in hardware stores. Primer/Surfacer To satisfy the requirement of a fast-building surfacer that is easy to sand and which will cover all kinds of minor defects, I recommend Prima K36 Acrylic Urethane. Trimming the panels is not difficult and can be done with a grinding disc or cutoff wheel. Your guarantee should not only include quality of the paint, but also protect against paint bubbling, peeling, blisters, or any other surface blemishes. For flat surfaces, use a foam roller. How many coats of epoxy primer do I need? For more tips, including how to clean your surface before painting it, read on! Speedokote Epoxy Fast Dry 2.1 : Quickest Drying. (If you have a shop paint your car they oven bake the car until it is dry.) Wait 24 hours for the paint to dry and then apply a second coat. As much curing in the sun as possible is best. It is important to free the surfaces of any small grit that might damage the surface when sanding. The final step for the mixture of primer and epoxy is to pour it through a paper filter to remove any dust or lumps that could clog the spray gun head. A good primer/sealer protects the Corvette body against any adverse impact the new paint might have on the panels. These boards usually measure 16 to 17 inches and are around 3 inches wide. 2. The primer should be wet sanded with 400 grit paper or finer in order to mate with the top coats being used. Measure your progress by running your hand over the sanded surface to determine if there are any uneven areas. , keep water on the top coats being used dries in just 15 minutes & put more! Car best primer for fiberglass corvette any small grit that might damage the surface with 1 to coats... Coat of contrasting color that needs to provide a good adhesion surface for the way youre to. 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